Skip snacks?



  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    In my diary, my snacks are spread out through out the day. Bagel between breakfast and lunch. shakes before and after working out. dinner, etc.
    For some it is a hassle. I see them packing all the little Tupperware containers because they believe they have to constantly eat. I "try" to live by, don't eat until you are stuffed and eat when hungry (pizza really makes that goal difficult). But forcing yourself to eat is unnecessary.
  • eglass64
    eglass64 Posts: 180
    If im hungry before lunch, I'll snack, I usually try to be smart about it. But then their are times I have a hard eating my calories. But I dont force myself to eat eat drink anything if I dont want it.
  • EmpressB
    EmpressB Posts: 36 Member
    Rarely. Since it is said that it is best to eat 4-6 small meals instead of 3 "lump sum" meals, I try to do that. Therefore "snacks" automatically come in to play.

    I think it would be harder for me to stick to my goals if I could only eat 3 meals and no snacks in between. Snacking isn't bad, it's just what you're snacking on and how much.

    I have no problems snacking so long as it is within my calories and not junk or overly processed foods.