Anyone had swollen bursa on knee?

I fell walking down a hill a little over 3 weeks ago. Landed directly on my knee and then caught my wrist. Mostly healed, but my knee still has a bump right on the top. It's soft and squishy. I have full range of motion and can walk, swim, bike, etc just fine. Just can't sit on my knees. No, I haven't been to the dr, but that because I'm 99% certain it's the bursa sack swollen from the trama and everything says ice, ibprophen and don't do what irritates it (squat, sit on knees, etc) and unless it becomes infected that is the normal treatment.

My question -how long did it take for the swelling to go down? Obviously I don't want to risk any infection or prolonged injury, but I'd also rather not go spend a fortune on high deductable insurance to be told to keep doing what I'm doing.


  • cmazurek85
    cmazurek85 Posts: 99 Member
    I had the exact same thing happen, only I went to the doctor, who told me to rest it. it went away after about a month.