Any people here that DIDN'T gain weight with Mirena

and actually LOVE it?
Theres a whole 17 page thread on people who hate their Mirena and how they blame it on their massive weight gain, well its making me scared because I just got one last wednesday so I want to hear from people who love theirs and haven't gained any weight from it.

Success stories please!


  • zippyelf
    zippyelf Posts: 2 Member
    Have one, have had it for 2 years. Love it. Have no problem losing weight with it. All people react to hormones differently.
  • fuzzysham
    fuzzysham Posts: 75 Member
    I'm hoping that since I've never had issues with gaining weight on any BCP that I won't have issues with it on the Mirena!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Here's a more recent thread that was just started the other day:

    Better views on Mirena in it. I don't have it yet, but I am getting it on the 24th.

    edit: Most of the time weight gain on BC is from the hormones causing cravings and then people giving into those cravings (causing them to overeat). At least that is what I was told by my Ob.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Haven't gained weight. Periods are non existent, and obviously I don't have to think about my birth control or worry about getting pregnant. All in all its been good.
  • lewispwest
    lewispwest Posts: 498 Member
    I have three and love each one equally.

    What are we talking about again?
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    Loved the Mirena and convenience of not having to take something daily or monthlyl. Never had any negative signs or symptoms & actually my cycles had become less severe & to some point non-existent (which is common). Had from 2009-2013 for the 5 years recommended with annual checks and nothing bad to say about it. When removed, my body did go through a slight adjustment period which is normal. During that time with Mirena, I lost 82 pounds, so I can't say there is any correlation of weight gain with it in my experience. Good luck,
  • SquishyLaughter
    SquishyLaughter Posts: 124 Member
    I have and love my Mirena :) I don't think it caused my weight gain, since I stayed the same weight for the first 6 months after I got it, then started gaining (I blame a nasty break up for the weight gain).
  • fuzzysham
    fuzzysham Posts: 75 Member
    You are wonderfully weird
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Before my last child was born, I had the Mirena for the full 5 years (took it out to get preggers--SUCCESS, lol!). I was slim/average weight before the IUD, as well as during (in fact, maybe 5-10lbs lighter, no dietary changes, just a more active lifestyle). I loved it, would do it again (but I don't need BC any longer--SNIP!). I'm only heavier now (5 years post child and IUD use) because I got lazy and stress eat.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    I had one while I lost the biggest chunk of my weight loss. It screwed with my period though.
    I wish I was able to love it. I mean, I loved everything BUT the TOM issue.

    I had it removed in January and haven't lost a single pound since then.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    I have the Mirena and love it. I'm on my second one. I don't THINK I've gained any weight on it. I was losing weight when I started on it and ended up with an eating disorder and gained some weight back, but I think that was due to my own issues and not the Mirena. I've been able to lose weight again without much of an issue. I definitely wouldn't go any other route, personally.
  • jcast92
    jcast92 Posts: 144 Member
    Mirena only releases local hormones, so there's no reason for weight gain to occur. The hormones are only released into the uterine area, so the only thing that's affected should be the uterine lining and similar functions.

    Unlike BCP, which release hormones everywhere (and thus may affect people negatively), Mirena is specific to the uterus. I really think that people who blame their weight gain on Mirena have not been watching their exercise/diet closely enough or have not taken other factors into account, because it makes no biological sense for weight gain to occur.

    That being said, I've had the Mirena for about 8 months now and I love it. No periods after the first month and no problems. I did get it checked 6 months after getting it though.

    And just to complete the weight gain thing, while I was on BCP I found it much harder to lose weight because I felt like I couldn't control my appetite. Whether or not that was actual a result of BCP I don't know. All I can say for myself now is I've been cleaning up my diet a lot in order to see results, and I think that the Mirena is not a factor in this.
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    I love mine. I've had it for a year and a half. I had gained my initial 15 sometime before that (putting me at 135) and then I went up another 12 pounds around the time leading up to and following its insertion.

    Though I could easily blame birth control for it, I know enough about science to know it could be explained much easier by my own habits. I was, quite frankly, eating more than twice as much as I needed and not moving much. I was eating more than I was burning, calories-wise.

    Further, I lost the additional 12lbs without even trying. I went from 147lbs last August to 140lbs in November (dropped down to 127lbs briefly post-wisdom teeth on a liquid diet at the beginning of December) to 135lbs in January- which I maintained until May when I started actively trying to lose weight.

    So, I've lost about 25 pounds with the Mirena and 12 of that just came off with no conscious effort. I don't blame my Mirena for anything aside from occasional horrid cramps.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Loved it and would still have it but it slipped and couldn't be replaced at that time.

    No yo yo during that time was my fault...eating too much.

    I did lose the majority of my weight on it tho...the first 35lbs...then Depo.

    I had no cycle at all during it's use except for the last 3-6 months which is why I suggest getting it replaced in the 4th year instead of waiting for the 5th. My experience was great with it...even the insertion (was crampy a couple hours later) but the 2nd one was no issue at allllllll....will be getting another one soon.

    I agree with jcast...local hormones and it releases less than the pill, weight gain was reported in less than 4% of the trial just over 4000 woman out of 98k reported weight gain (but they weren't on a calorie controlled diet either).
  • MamaFunky
    MamaFunky Posts: 735 Member
    I have had the Mirena twice and never had any weight gain or other issues associated with it. I just got the Skyla last week don't see any reason why it shouldn't be the same. It supposedly releases a smaller amount of hormones than the Mirena and only last 3 years. My doctor suggested it, so I decided to try something different this time.

    Good luck! I am sure you will be fine! :smile:
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 921 Member
    Have you thought about the copper IUD? I know it doesn't regulate your cycle like Mirena but then as it is no hormones at takes out that weight gain factor. I just had one put in 2 weeks ago and doing well on it.
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    Have you thought about the copper IUD? I know it doesn't regulate your cycle like Mirena but then as it is no hormones at takes out that weight gain factor. I just had one put in 2 weeks ago and doing well on it.
    Before I got mirena 6 month ago (and again, weight gain has been a NON ISSUE for me with mirena) I thought about the copper and the gym stated that it tends to make your periods heavier and significantly longer. No thanks. Ive had a painless 2-3 day period since I was 12. I'm not looking to make it painful and last damn near two weeks.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I didn't. I've been really happy with it so far. More regular cycles, stable weight, stable mood...much happier.
  • Wenchilada
    Wenchilada Posts: 472 Member
    I'm on my second one, and I've both lost & gained weight just fine... pretty sure it is completely independent of the Mirena itself. It's so much better than BCP for me.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I got Mirena after having two kids. I didn't gain or lose weight the first year (I wasn't really trying). I lost all my weight while I had Mirena and didn't find it extra difficult. I loved having it and only had it taken out when I hit the 5 year mark. I'm not currently on any birth control, but I would gladly go back to Mirena. My periods were lighter and I had significantly less (almost no) cramping.