Looking for friends to support and be supported by

Hi, I am Rebecca. I am new to MFP. I am 33 from Canada and I weighed in on Saturday at 280.6 pounds. I have joined Weight Watchers, MFP, and purchased an UP24 (really love it) to help me on my journey.

I really believe that the key to success is finding people that can support and motivate you while keeping yourself accountable.

I have started a blog at my100journey.com and also a twitter called My100Journey. I have zero idea how to add friends on here so if you could please add me that would be great, and if you would like to keep in touch through my blog or twitter that would be wonderful as well.

I am hoping to lose at least 100 lbs. I am committed. I will do this.

Thanks everyone.


  • mtruitt01
    mtruitt01 Posts: 370 Member
    You are welcome to add me
  • MsDeitra
    MsDeitra Posts: 23 Member
    Welcome Rebecca! MFP is an awesome community with lots of great support and knowledge. Sending you a friend request and wishing you all the best as you begin your journey! Anyone else feel free to add me as well! We don't have to do this alone, Lets Go!
  • I would love to, but I have no idea how. I will keep searching....
  • christarae1
    christarae1 Posts: 245 Member
    Hey sweetie!! You are more than welcome to add me!!! I would consider myself a pretty supportive friend on here!! :):)
  • sjane1974
    sjane1974 Posts: 12
    Hi Rebecca!

    Feel free to add me, or I'll send you a request. I'm new here as well and also looking for fellow "losers." Don't want to go this alone. :)
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    Hi Rebecca:

    You're in the right place. The tools and support you can find here on MFP can only help you on your quest. They've been very helpful to me. I've sent you a friend request (fellow Canadian here).

  • SRDB00
    SRDB00 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi Rebecca,

    Feel free to add me. We are here to support each other. Congratulations on getting off to a great start!:flowerforyou:
  • focusedonfitness2015
    focusedonfitness2015 Posts: 240 Member
    Hi Rebecca and welcome to MFP! I'll send you a FR. I've found my friends on here help keep me accountable for what I'm doing and encourage me every step of the way! I'll do the same for you. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Hello and welcome! I have about the same weight loss goal so please, feel free to add me as a friend!
  • RachelSteeners
    RachelSteeners Posts: 249 Member
    I have a similar amount to lose... we can do it!!
  • TurnerErica17
    TurnerErica17 Posts: 28 Member
    welcome! I started today also.
  • Fat2Fit_imready
    Fat2Fit_imready Posts: 363 Member
    Hello Rebecca,

    I just restarted my journey today! Changed my ticker, my username, and my goals and stared a blog too!! I’m starting fresh and would love more friends!! I’m on here all the time and very supportive!! Feel free to add me and anyone else on here too ;-)
    Oh I also started 100 days of exercising challenge! I started it yesterday!

  • Morrietommy
    Morrietommy Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, my name is Jody, I am 43 years old and weigh 267 lbs. This is the most I've ever weighed in my life. I struggle a lot with depression, which keeps me in bed and on the couch. Every once in a while, my body absolutely craves exercise and I will go for a walk, but it doesn't happen very often. In the last 2 months my appetite has been enormous, and I binge eat when I feel depressed, stressed, or sad. I have been trying to use MFP, I like it, but have not felt very motivated, and I have only one friend on MFP. I could really use the support from people who are going on this journey as well.
  • noramia8
    noramia8 Posts: 2
    Hi Rebecca!

    I just started as well. I am 28 and I weigh 184, the most I've ever weighed. I'm looking for friends to help and be helped as well. It seems like everyone in this community is very friendly. Please feel free to add me :)


  • new myself and looking for people that i can encourage /motivate and receive the same from... anyone feel free to add me...i sent you a fr rebecca
  • SQueOC
    SQueOC Posts: 1
    Hi! I just started today. I am trying to eat healthy. I have to say, it is hard not to get in that mindset that I am depriving myself and to stay positive. I have started so many times and restarted. This time has to be different! I have seen pictures of myself lately and I can't believe how bad I look. I think maybe the first day is tough because I am doubting myself. This is the first time I am posting. I am hoping posting could be the difference and support.
    Good luck to all of us, it has to be different this time!:smile:
  • WOW. Thank you all for the support. I am overwhelmed.

    To the other ladies asking for some support on this page I want to say that you are not alone.

    I have also been a binge eater. I ate my feelings. Every single one of them. Happy, Sad, Mad, Hurt, Boredom.. I ate. I used to think food was my only friend. But would a friend be risking my life? Taking time away from children? Make me so depressed? And I don't know about you but my binges would make me feel sooooo guilty. I have finally realized food is not my friend and instead of eating my emotions I am going to blog them. I need that outlet and a place that can feel safe. My husband is the only person in my real life that knows about my blog, but I won't let him read it. Sometimes sharing your thoughts and feelings to strangers can be much less scary than sharing them with real life people.

    As for food cravings, I am a newbie. But I have found two things that have helped me so far. I crave sweets. But I had to break up with chocolate. So I found two healthier choices: Compliments Balance makes delicious Fruit and Vegetable Bars. You might think that sounds crazy but I am telling you these are delicious, satisfying and sweet and only 80 calories.
    Another thing I have found helpful is Weight Watcher Fruities. They are so sweet and chewy so they take a long time to eat and you get EIGHT for one point.

    I hope some of those points can help you.

    Also for working out. I like music but do not find it motivating enough to make me go work out. So I use audiobooks to listen to while I walk. I love books and have made a rule that I can not listen unless I am walking. It helps the time go by faster while I am working out too.