Any 5'4" 150-160 pound ladies wanting to lose 20-30 pounds?



  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm 5'4 and 190. My goal is literally just to be closer to 100 than 200. 145 would kick *kitten*.
  • Jhartling87
    Jhartling87 Posts: 6 Member
    Same story here! I'm about 5'4 and 148, 28 years old. My weight has been up and down since high school. I got to about 125-130 roughly 5 years ago and let it all creep back on after getting into a relationship, etc. Every single year I tell myself “This is my year” and I always have an excuse and I’m “tired” or “busy” and never end up doing anything. I tend to crazy diet for a few weeks, lose 5 lbs and eat like crazy and gain it back within a few days. This January one of my friends is getting married in Jamaica and I’ve decided THIS is my time. I got a gym membership and started eating healthy almost 2 weeks ago and lost about 2 lbs. I just need to remind myself every time I want to eat bad or feel too lazy after work to go to the gym that I CAN DO THIS. I literally crave the feeling of feeling good about myself again. I have 11 weeks and 20 lbs to go. TRUST ME, if I can do this, ANYONE can!!!!

    Ps - I've gone as far as posting motivation quotes (and a body of what I want to look like) on my fridge and cabinets so I feel guilty when I want to cheat!! lol
  • YouBlowMyMind
    YouBlowMyMind Posts: 552 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 158. This is the smallest I ever remember being. My highest being around 250 about 3 yrs ago. Never exercised or lost post baby weight after baby number one 12 yrs ago. 4 babies later and I want I nicer figure :-) wanting to lose another 20-30lbs
  • tiffkittyw
    tiffkittyw Posts: 366 Member
    I am 5'4" and started at 164 lbs at the end of August and as of Saturday I'm 147.9 and I have 28 lbs until goal number 1 and then I'd like to lose 5 more lbs to account for the water weigh that comes back when you eat more calories.
  • PamelaMoore1
    PamelaMoore1 Posts: 3 Member
    Tiff1124 wrote: »
    Saw the other thread and figured there has to be a lot of ladies in this size range too looking to lose as well :)

    I have gone up and down in weight for the longest time. At my healthiest I was 130 and in the best shape of my life. Then things in life happened and it all kind of spriraled from there and am now at 160 and sick of it! I want the old me back. :)

    I am currently doing carb cycling and getting back into my fitness regime, although the occasional slip up sends me right back to where I don't want to be. Do any of you have a tough time staying motivated? If so, let's help each other!

    Yes, I'm 5'4 and 185 pounds. I'm so upset I let my self go. Now, I'm trying to loose 50 pounds and could use a buddy system to help reach our goal. My name is Pamela.
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    I'm 5'4 and started at 156lbs. I'm 136 now (4 months later), and want to get to 125-130. I was losing consistently in the beginning but now it's slowing down quite a bit. I'm doing a lot of weight lifting though, so while my weight loss isn't moving very fast, I'm still losing inches. Loving my strength training. :smile:
  • PamelaMoore1
    PamelaMoore1 Posts: 3 Member
    It's so hard I have gained 50 lbs in 6 years. Kept telling my self a few pounds were not bad. But, from 135 to 185 is so bad. The motivation is hard and strick 1200 calories is even harder. I dnt want people including my grand kids thinking I'm having a baby. Since my stomach is so round. Please, I need advice tips, recipes help pls. I'm committed and very eager just the self motivation by my self to get me going is hard. My name is Pamela ty
  • ar9179
    ar9179 Posts: 374 Member
    I started the year at 198 (highest weight, EVER). Stuck to the plan and was 163 in June. Lost the motivation to eat at a deficit and took a summer break...that extended to Oct. I've been inconsistent with staying at/under my calorie goal and need to find that same motivation I had at the beginning of the year!
    I'm holding at 166, go to yoga 2x/week and follow Stronglifts 2x/week. Love them, so I don't struggle getting them done. It's the stupid calories! I'm so hungry!

    At 5'3", I'd like to be in the 135-140 range. So around 30 more pounds. My end goals are strength and lower BF%.
  • tourquoise1420
    tourquoise1420 Posts: 1 Member
    This is me!

    I started at 150. I was 137 for a year or two before grad school and a new career caught up to me.

    I'm also looking at running to help with weight loss, although I'm finding that I'm not competitive enough with myself to fight through my plateaus. I can run about 6 miles at 10 minutes a mile, but I also feel like I could do more.

    Any advice on helping me past my running plateau? It'll help my weight plateau too, I think.
  • MyGetFitProgram
    MyGetFitProgram Posts: 2 Member
    Yes, this is me too!

    I'm 34, 2 kids, 164cm (5foot4?), and 61kg (150 pounds? ) and want to lose 30 pounds? Sorry, my measurements might be out a bit, I'm in Australia and trying to translate kgs to pounds.

    Feel free to add me, would love more friends in same boat, with the same goals. :)