Dessert Every Night



  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    While I like something sweet in the evening, I don't want to be a processed sugar junky anymore. I bought mint-dark chocolate and each square is 50 calories. I have one of those a couple nights a week. Other nights, I now reach for raisins or grapes or something like that and it's becoming more satisfying all the time.

    I will never give up dark chocolate and I have nothing against an ice cream or other treat from time to time, I just want to overcome the daily longing for processed sugar.
  • cjames010
    cjames010 Posts: 91 Member
    We just discovered a gelato shop less than two miles away from our house. Portion sizes are perfect and flavor is intense.
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    IIIIISerenityNowIIIII Posts: 425 Member
    I eat ice cream every night. Occasionally I will make cookies or cake every few weeks but I must eat ice cream.
  • shireeniebeanie
    shireeniebeanie Posts: 293 Member
    We just discovered a gelato shop less than two miles away from our house. Portion sizes are perfect and flavor is intense.

    Ooh, thanks for the idea! There's a cute little gelato shop near me that I keep meaning to visit. That'll be my next evening walk!
  • IllustratedxGirl
    IllustratedxGirl Posts: 240 Member
    I eat desert like 6 days a week lol so I'm in the same boat
  • Glaziazisaur
    Coffee! I must have coffee! Now I am trying to switch to black Americano, but some places don't have coffee that tastes good so it depends on the luck haha. If it is bad, then I have to add a creamer, but at least I don't like sugar!

    I noticed that cappu have a lot of carbs and sugar from the milk, which is why I am switching to black coffee :3
  • laurahadenough
    laurahadenough Posts: 28 Member
    God I wish I could eat whatever I want in huge quantities and never have a weight problem... life sux.. alot :sad: :angry: :sad:
  • k_sinc
    k_sinc Posts: 39
    I absolutely crave something sweet after both lunch and dinner.. Don't ask me why...possibly because it took me until the age of 23 to learn how to eat vegetables other than potatoes and my diet was very... err... it sucked.

    You probably won't have heard of these things (I'm in Australia) but I take Optiburn in the morning to get my metabolism kicking along and I find that deals with majority of sweet cravings during the day, and at home in the evenings I usually go between Sorbet (frozen berries/summer fruit + water/homemade juice in a blender = TA DA!) or Whey Whip (it's protein ice cream. YES!) butttttttt that said, nothing beats a good bowl of ice cream covered in your favourite topping. or a cupcake.

    I've only recently started learning how to track my Macros and can't get to the gym due to other commitments so am being really careful for the time being trying to get my nutrition figured out good and proper so that by the time I am back at the gym I'll be killing it from both angles!

    You can have anything in moderation.... just work it in with the rest of your daily intake.... best "diet" ever! *laughs in the face of the sad people consuming watery shakes instead of food*
  • flame_retardant
    flame_retardant Posts: 49 Member
    Yes to dessert every night. A few bites of sundae, a Lindt chocolate ball or 2, one of those snackable pudding-cups. And a whole orange after 'cus who doesn't love an orange :)
  • BirdGirlFit
    BirdGirlFit Posts: 36 Member
    God I wish I could eat whatever I want in huge quantities and never have a weight problem... life sux.. alot :sad: :angry: :sad:

    I's not always fun but seeing results + having some of my favorite foods is enough for me. I hate having to be so restricted with "clean" eating all the time (don't like that term) so flexible dieting is a lot more amenable to my needs!
  • teranga79
    teranga79 Posts: 202 Member
    I have to round the day off with a couple of chocolate biscuits. Yum :)
  • _celesse
    _celesse Posts: 75 Member
    I refuse to not eat chocolate :P I at least need something after dinner or I tend to go nuts... My favorites are gelato and dark chocolates.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    My deal breaker is having a list of restrictions. My diets all failed within less than a week until I started just eating whatever I want. If I'm not allowed to eat meat for example (and I HATE meat) I find myself craving it within a week.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Must have lots of coffee every day and dessert every night.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    My deal breaker are the words "low-fat". Give me avocados, nuts, popcorn popped in real oil, french fries fried in tallow, the entire egg including the glorious yolk, salad topped olive oil, full-fat greek yogurt, full fat cheeses, baked chicken thighs WITH THE SKIN, rib-eye steak..... ZOMG! I love FAT and any diet that requires me to give it up or pretend that the fat free version "tastes just the same" is not going to work for me in the long term.

    Of course I can't eat all I want and I have to account for every fat gram but I'm not giving up my full fat foods..EVER!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Restaurants. I really like trying local restaurants and going out with friends and hanging out over a meal and this wouldn't work for me if I couldn't fit that in once or twice a week. Luckily it's not that hard to do, even though I know the calories are really imprecise guesses.

    Beyond that, I do like to have dessert a few times a week or partake of a special treat when it's worth the calories. I'm in favor of moderation with all of these, definitely not all or nothing.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    With work hour, gym time, I have ended up in a one meal a day routine, Im perfectly happy having just one meal a day, one advantage is i get to eat all my calories in one go, so thats all 1800+ on main and desert.
  • dwarfiegodsmack
    dwarfiegodsmack Posts: 317 Member
    i have chocolate and ice cream every day also :drinker: