Just want to eat junk!

Hey all! I'm certain we have all been at this place at one point or another! I have been going strong for the last 2 months and have lost 25 pounds now. I am so excited by the progress that I have made, I wish I would have done this sooner! My problem for about the last week or so though has been the overwhelming urge to just binge on junk food. My husband and I started this life style change together and have shared our feelings about how hard it is to not just pig out, but I find myself not being able to stop thinking about just eating out the entire snack cake isle at the store! I do treat myself every once and awhile and we have "cheat-meals" once a week, so having a taste of the not so healthy stuff is not a problem. I just feel like I've hit a wall in the motivation dept. Anyone have any ideas? I'm on-line looking at MFP everyday at the boards for ideas and B and A pics to keep me going and remember why I'm doing this. But my brain just won't shut off the junky thoughts.

Thanks to everyone who shares on the boards! It really does help everyone no matter what size you are :) We're all in this together!:)


  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    I've learned a few things: If its not in the house you can eat it, If you plan your meals and snacks you're not only more likely to stick to a healthy diet, but you then know roughly what your calorie intake for the day is. I find if i plan my meals out on MFP in the A.M then theres no guess work at dinner time as to what I'm going to eat or being lazy and ordering a pizza. It also lets me see my "left over calories" and I can have a treat or two during the day thats within my calorie budget. Also, If i go to the gym in the morning if makes me want to eat healthy, I feel better in my clothes and it starts my day off right because I'm not dreading going to the gym, and if I do have a slip up in my diet I wont be angry and blow off the gym totally because the day is already a wreck.

    When I find myself craving something sweet I make a cup of swiss miss hot chocolate, something salty and crunchy like chips I eat lightly salted veggies, or I put a sugar free candy in my mouth. If all else fails I call a friend, they get my mind off my craving.

    Just remember, you can lose this weight, remember how awesome it feels for your jeans to be lose, or the compliments you get when people notice you losing weight! :)
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wow! That is good advice....I am recovering from Thanksgving dinner at my house last weekend!!! Oh my....so our fridge was packed with great leftovers so I had it 2 nights in a row. I let myself enjoy some things I have been passing up. The scale reminded me of this! I was up 3-4 pounds this morning. Shoot! I like the advice of just getting it out of the house. I through away a cake tonight. My husband does not like it and I knew if I brought it to work I would treat myself to a slice. I am healthier because I got rid of it. Now back on track for all of us!!!! Food is like cocaine for me.....It takes a few days to get detoxed....but once I have not had it.....I am much stronger. Let's kick some bootie and head into the Christmas season lean and strong! :bigsmile: