Can you be fit/healthy underweight?

Hey everyone! I'm currently recovering from an eating disorder. I'm not underweight and never been. I've finally decided to get in shape and fit. My BMI is just right, but I wasn't healthy for awhile cause of my ed. When I fasted I stopped losing after some point. But now when I'm eating a healthy menu (my dietan gave me) and work out (I want to gain muscles and be able to run) I keep losing weight? The calories intake are more than what I burn. I feel so much healthier when I'm finally eating and I'm happier. But why do I keep losing? It's been just two days since I started and I already lost 1.5kg. What happens if in a month I'm gonna be underweight? Can it be healthy if I eat healthy and work out?


  • Glaziazisaur
    If you were restricting it is quite possible your body is currently repairing internal damage and so you are burning more calories than you normally would in a normal lifestyle. Give it some more time and see if the weight loss slows down and you start building muscle :)

    Good job on recovering!

    The hypermetabolism often happens with restriction because your body stops burning the calories after a while, and then when you begin eating all those nutrients are used to repair what was damaged. Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    If you're losing, then you're burning more than you're consuming. Find out what your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is then make sure you consume at least that much.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    I am not a doctor, so my reply is based on observations of people I know. In my opinion, the BMI maximum healthy weight is on target for the majority of folks, but the minimum healthy weight is a little too high! I believe that I could weigh a good ten pounds under what BMI says is the minimum healthy weight for my height, and I would not be "underweight." However, I would never want to be that thin-- or even as thin as the minimum healthy BMI weight for my height! I look best at about 8 pounds heavier than the minimum healthy BMI weight for my height. I believe that most people's ideal weight falls within the BMI healthy weight range-- but not everyone's. Some lower; some, higher.
  • sheerabira
    Oh wow! Thank you everyone! I know that muscle weights more than fat, so maybe since I wasn't eating much my metabolism got messed up and now it's fixing itself? And when my body starts building muscle my weight loss will slow down?
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    It won't be building much of anything until your calorie intake exceeds your output - i.e. when you start gaining, rather than losing.
  • Glaziazisaur
    Oh wow! Thank you everyone! I know that muscle weights more than fat, so maybe since I wasn't eating much my metabolism got messed up and now it's fixing itself? And when my body starts building muscle my weight loss will slow down?

    The muscle vs fat thing would be if you were gaining weight but losing sizes ;)

    Since your meal and exercise plans were given to you by your doctor, I'd say you should follow it for at least a month and then see if your body gets back to a healthy state and check back in with your doctor :D Good luck!