Power 90 Question?

Yesenia1110 Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I just began working out early this morning... Im a little confused on whether or not to do Sweat I-II and Sculpt I-II or just one of them... If you have any tips to better succeed that would be helpful too.

Thanks :)


  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    There's a chart that comes with Power90. You alternate them, Sculpt 1, next day Sweat 1. Don't start on 2 until you have mastered 1. But check out the schedule that came with it, it will be a good guideline for you :) Congrats on starting a new work out! :flowerforyou:
  • I alternated with M W F being sculpt and T TH Sat being Sweat and took Sunday as my day off! Good luck - Power 90 was my first program I did this year and I loved it!
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I am doing Power 90 currently and you do them alternately. I do Mon, Wed, Fri Sculpt and then Tue, Thur, Sat Sweat with Sundays as my rest day. I love sculpt...sweat bores the hell out of me now and I'm only 17 days into the program lol.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Congrats on choosing Power 90! I've just passed day 60 and am loving it. To answer your question, you do Sculpt one day then Sweat the next. The Ab Ripper will start automatically after the Sweat workout. How did you like it on your first day?

    A couple of things to be mindful of. For the Upward Dog in power yoga, be sure to get everything off the ground other than your palms and the tops of your feet. If your legs are on the ground it's called a Cobra and works different muscles. There are YouTube videos showing the difference if you need a visual. Also be careful when choosing weights, I got macho and increased mine too fast and hurt my shoulders and had to take a couple of weeks off to heal.

    Lastly, be sure to check in with your coach and hop on the Beachbody message boards to find folks who started the same day you did. There's PLENTY of encouragement and accountability in them. Good luck and feel free to "friend" me if you like and I'll be glad to answer any questions or just cheer you on. :)
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    I am doing Power 90 currently and you do them alternately. I do Mon, Wed, Fri Sculpt and then Tue, Thur, Sat Sweat with Sundays as my rest day. I love sculpt...sweat bores the hell out of me now and I'm only 17 days into the program lol.

    It's not too late to take advantage of the 30 Day guarantee, get your money back and perhaps try a different workout. Sweat 3-4 is basically the same as 1-2, jut more reps so it won't get any better for you if you don't like it now. You want something that'll keep you excited about working out. Good luck :)
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I am doing Power 90 currently and you do them alternately. I do Mon, Wed, Fri Sculpt and then Tue, Thur, Sat Sweat with Sundays as my rest day. I love sculpt...sweat bores the hell out of me now and I'm only 17 days into the program lol.

    It's not too late to take advantage of the 30 Day guarantee, get your money back and perhaps try a different workout. Sweat 3-4 is basically the same as 1-2, jut more reps so it won't get any better for you if you don't like it now. You want something that'll keep you excited about working out. Good luck :)

    Well, I like the sculpt videos like I said. I figure what I'll do is finish the month doing alternate cardio things (elliptical, treadmill) When I start 3-4 I might do the sweat videos for a few weeks and go back to my alternate methods, not sure yet. I just got a gym membership so I can work out with my SIL, so we'll see how it goes..but I am def sticking to sculpt!
  • Got it! :) Thanks for the input...
    Reading the success stories makes me feel very excited to start this journey, let's see if I can keep it up.
    The only problem is the eating part (lol) but I will try to do my best.
    Good Luck to everyone on yalls goals!!!
  • rydn4h2o
    rydn4h2o Posts: 255
    My Power 90 arrived yesterday and I am stoked to start it on Sunday! My only concern is the food plan. I'm going to try to do my best with the food plan, but my main goal is to use the workouts to bust through my stubborn plateau. I've been working out for months as well as watching my calories and haven't been able to drop more than a couple of pounds. I'm 42, and have heard about problems losing weight after 40. All I can do it keep at it and eventually things will start going the right again.
    Thanks for letting me vent and good luck everyone!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    When I started Power 90 I ate exclusively out of the meal planner book for a few weeks. I was pleasantly surprised, I thought I'd be starving but I wasn't. I then started trying to make meals that fit into the upper tiers of Michi's Ladder. Now I sort of do a hybrid with Shakeology for breakfast, turkey sandwich from the guide for lunch and a Michi's ladder dinner :) Feel free to friend me and I'll answer whatever questions you may have, good luck :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Power 90 is such an awesome program! That's how I got my start back in 2007. I went from a size 14 to a 10 in 90 days, and I felt fantastic! It's the perfect stepping stone for P90X, too. That's what I did afterwards, and I got down to a size 6 in those 90 days.

    As far as the food plan, I still to do this day eat some of the recipes. If you look at my diary, you see "Fat Burning Oatmeal" A LOT because I love it, and it has helped to lower my cholesterol too. I get asked a lot for the recipe, too, when people who don't have Power 90 see my food diary, lol.

    Did you get the extra videos with it like Fat Burning Express? In the second month, I alternated that one in a couple of times a week instead of the Sweat 3/4, but I always went back to do Ab Ripper 200 afterwards. I also got some of the Master's Series with my order back in '07, but they were too difficult for me back then. I think they are harder than Power 90 but not as difficult as P90X.
  • I just started Power 90 on (2/7/11) and wasn't sure of the schedule either, since I am borrowing the dvds from a friend. Glad to see you other P90s out there able to answer questions on this!
    I don't know that the food plan is compatible with my vegetarian diet though. But after doing it 4 days in a row, I felt pretty good and am looking forward to doing the videos on the schedule you guys suggested starting tomorrow morning! :)
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