Motivation comes in waves.



  • myri54
    myri54 Posts: 48 Member
    the best tool for me to stay motivated is to be positive...
    no matter how bad my day was, no matter if i couldn follow my diet completely, i just stick to my positive attitude.
    today i just have broke a plateu...i told myself, i can do this...and i did.

    9.14 lb gone so far....

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  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    How do you keep brushing your teeth when you don't really feel "into" it?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    You don't find time, you make time.

    Is there any reason why you can't stick your daughter in a bouncer or something for 30 mins and do a workout DVD? Working out doesn't have to consist of three hours in the gym. Put her in a stroller and walk around the neighborhood. There are plenty of ways to exercise with an infant around.

    ^^^This is why I learned to run. I also do body weight training in my home (push-ups, pull-ups, squats, bridges, leg lifts)
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    I have those days, where I come home from work and I look at my bed and dream about how wonderful it would be to get in my pj's, order some pizza and watch a movie. I take a deep sigh, look in the mirror and shake off those nasty thoughts, lol.
    I change in to my workout clothes in front of a full length mirror and take notes as to how I want to change my body. I know that it wont happen sitting in bed...... so off I go.

    After my workout I feel amazing! Much more amazing than I would ever feel sitting at home gaining weight.

    I promise, once you start seeing results, you will find yourself making time. Youll probably wonder what took you so long to get in gear. Its all about making it happen and if you are being honest with yourself, Im pretty sure you can find a way to sneak in on little hour of exercise a day :)

    good luck!!
  • mackmama11
    mackmama11 Posts: 15 Member
    Motivation does come and go but if you get into a good routine it will become habit. When I started working out again after the birth of my second child ... I hated every minute of it. Now I cant get enough.....and it has become a daily routine that I stick to, even if it is just getting my boys and going out for a walk or taking the football to the park.

    If your baby is 9 months old then all the more opportunity. When she is awake stick her in the pram and go out for a power walk, hit the hills and get sweaty. When she is napping stick on a DVD. There are loads that are 30 minutes or less and you can pick them up dead cheap or even watch online (Jillian Michaels and T25 are my favorites).

    Diet wise, you know what foods are good and bad....if you don't want to eat take away late, eat a small healthy meal with your daughter and pass later on. Bottom line is you are making excuses right now - do you really want this? If so get stuck in....

    I would also say that most of us, me included, are working full time with young children, unhelpful partners and all the usual distractions of life, but still make time to commit to a healthy lifestyle - you CAN do it!!!

  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    I've been having a case of the "I don't wanna's" lately. but I have to remind myself that I'm a much happier and nicer person when I give my body some exercise. :smile:

    and I've never regretted pushing myself to do my workouts. :flowerforyou:

    you can do this!