Thoughts on Essene Diet

I am currently 109 lb just under my original goal of 111 lb and tinkering with going to 105 lb. I just started reading Breakfast The Least Important Meal of the Day by Dr. John Hagan. This book is available on Amazon with free preview. It discusses the Essene Diet which is based on the diet habits of Jewish priests that existed for over 500 years but were lost early in the Christian era. The general premise is you fast with nothing but water for 14 hours followed by 10 hours of eating with no restrictions on type or amount. The normal fast period starts at 9 PM ending at 11 AM. A study on this diet was quite positive with both weight loss and reduction in cravings for sweets.

Someone mentioned on another thread that naturally skinny folks already follow this type of diet whether they know it or not. Thinking about it, I have always been in my healthy weight range and it has always be very rare for me to eat breakfast. I normally don't eat anything solid until about 10 AM and seldom eat after 7PM, not far off of the normal fast period for this diet. Following the Essene Diet would be rather easy for me.

I thought others might be interested. Even if you try it for a month, any weight gain would be minimal but with the potential to lose almost effortlessly as the carrot, it might be worth experimenting. What are your thoughts on the Essene Diet?


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    this is just a form of intermittent fasting no?
    or is there a part of the diet that im missing

    IF is great because with a smaller window to eat you'll feel more full in that time, therefore being less tempted to overeat. its not for everyone though, some wouldnt be able to make it through their fasting hours