TODAY is the day i change my life

I had a come to Jesus moment with my personal trainer last night. After working out for a year 2-3x a week BUT NOT changing my eating habits, my weight has not changed but stayed the same for 1 whole year. I convinced myself that i was eating good, despite my multiple cheats. Last night, my trainer had an honest and frank discussion with me about how i cant have any more excuses. if i really want it, I have to do it. At first, i was angry and almost walked out of the gym. How dare she talk to me that way? Then, the reality sunk in- she was right. I am the only one who can change me. i have to make the decision to eat healthy and be consistent in my workouts. I began bawling and all the years of frustration and hurt came out on the gym floor. At that moment, i made the commitment to start living life and not just exisiting. I AM in charge and I CAN do this! So here goes... Day 1..... 50 lb goal in the next 6-7 months. I am gonna make ME proud!


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Congratulations! There's a lot of good info for "beginners" here. Check out the sticky links at the top of this forum. And if you have questions, just post them -- weigh the answers with a grain of salt! -- but there's a lot of good people here with good advice. People with experience, people educated in the field, and people that have been exactly where you're at.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    sometimes a little tough love is what we need to hear to kick it into gear. Glad you have made the committment! In 7 months you can look back at this post and see that you made it :)

    good luck!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    You have a great personal trainer because the former trainers at my gym just shut up about my awful food diary and kept taking my money. I didn't start losing weight until I took control and started modifying my eating and exercise habits. Oddly enough I lost the bulk of my weight by exercising OUTSIDE the gym.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    That definitely sounds like the beginning of a change. This describes pretty much what most of us go through when we get started. I had that moment one Sunday morning. I still cannot figure out what triggered it. But I woke up and had that "this is it" moment. I haven't looked back. Besides for the weight lost, I feel much better and I'm much more active. I started enjoying working out.

    Good luck to you!
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    You have a great personal trainer because the former trainers at my gym just shut up about my awful food diary and kept taking my money. I didn't start losing weight until I took control and started modifying my eating and exercise habits. Oddly enough I lost the bulk of my weight by exercising OUTSIDE the gym.

    I haven't been to the gym since the weather turned a bit warmer. I'll probably go back once it gets really cold. I love outdoor walking, running and biking.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    Good for you!

    One thing I have learned: eating to lose weight doesn't have to be painful or miserable. Just requires a bit of thought and taking the time to weigh, log accurately. Which in reality doesn't take that much time. You can do this!
  • Good for you! Sometimes it takes a rock bottom moment to propel us in the right direction. I've only been at this for 26 days, but that's all it's taken for eating less/better to become a habit. This forum is a wealth of information and support. Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • bgumby
    bgumby Posts: 8 Member
    UPDATE! first 3 days- 5lbs down! makes me so motivated and I KNOW I can do this!