Body weight exercises for deltoids

sabified Posts: 1,051 Member

I'm putting together a workout routine for my SIL, who is an EXTREME beginner to exercising.

She's not able to do push ups, though it isn't an issue with her arm strength- it's more because she's not able to hold her core up. I've got quite a few core moves which she is able to do in the circuit but I was thinking that adding some moves which would help develop the same muscles as with pushups would be helpful for her. So far I have tricep dips in there for the back of her arms but couldn't think of anything else for her deltoids.

Anyone have suggestions?


  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Well, it's not exactly body weight, but she could do some basic deltoid raises (front, side, rear) using household items for weights. Large books, 2L bottles filled with water (or gallon jugs with water for a bit more weight), etc. Also, static moves might help for building early muscle (hold arms out at shoulder height in front and to the side).

    Also, have her try wall pushups. Stand about one step from the wall, and do pushups off the wall. As she gets stronger, stand farther away for more angle. It's a good way to work up to pushups.

    Make sure that the core moves include the plank, even if it's on her elbows to start with, then later on extended arms. That will help build those muscles as well.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Well, it's not exactly body weight, but she could do some basic deltoid raises (front, side, rear) using household items for weights. Large books, 2L bottles filled with water (or gallon jugs with water for a bit more weight), etc. Also, static moves might help for building early muscle (hold arms out at shoulder height in front and to the side).

    Also, have her try wall pushups. Stand about one step from the wall, and do pushups off the wall. As she gets stronger, stand farther away for more angle. It's a good way to work up to pushups.

    Make sure that the core moves include the plank, even if it's on her elbows to start with, then later on extended arms. That will help build those muscles as well.
    wall pushups are hard as hell, get her to try pike pushups first
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Ohhhh wall push ups are an awesome idea.

    I'm hesitant to start her off on weights just yet.... I've already had to spend 2 days on form for squats, lunges and tricep dips... I'm worried about her injuring herself, especially considering I'm not a trainer by any means. I want to try to keep it simple.

    ETA: Wall push ups are hard? Is that sarcasm? I used to do them... they weren't bad....
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Ohhhh wall push ups are an awesome idea.

    I'm hesitant to start her off on weights just yet.... I've already had to spend 2 days on form for squats, lunges and tricep dips... I'm worried about her injuring herself, especially considering I'm not a trainer by any means. I want to try to keep it simple.

    ETA: Wall push ups are hard? Is that sarcasm? I used to do them... they weren't bad....
    i thought she meant handstand pushups using the wall to balance... ma bad
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    Ohhhh wall push ups are an awesome idea.

    I'm hesitant to start her off on weights just yet.... I've already had to spend 2 days on form for squats, lunges and tricep dips... I'm worried about her injuring herself, especially considering I'm not a trainer by any means. I want to try to keep it simple.

    ETA: Wall push ups are hard? Is that sarcasm? I used to do them... they weren't bad....
    i thought she meant handstand pushups using the wall to balance... ma bad

    OHHHH ok. I thought my sarcasm meter was broken. LOL, telling her to do a handstand pushup would be hilarious.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Ohhhh wall push ups are an awesome idea.

    I'm hesitant to start her off on weights just yet.... I've already had to spend 2 days on form for squats, lunges and tricep dips... I'm worried about her injuring herself, especially considering I'm not a trainer by any means. I want to try to keep it simple.

    ETA: Wall push ups are hard? Is that sarcasm? I used to do them... they weren't bad....
    i thought she meant handstand pushups using the wall to balance... ma bad

    Haha, okay, I can see that I could have been a bit better in my wording!

    As far as delt raises, do it first without weights, and focus on form. The static holds can be good without weights.