Not so much a newbie - more so returning :D

Hi everyone!

I logged on thus fabulous site a couple years back and felt great on it. Needless to say as I learnt my dietary habits, I lost the need to count, so faded away! However, finding myself having one too many teaspoons almond butter, I am back, to reach ultra leanness and meet cool people on the way!! :)

So add me and we can be together on our fitness journey. I advocate eating 'paleo'
(I try not to label it in such a way but I cannot help it!!!), but now struggling with the guilt of eating animals - went vegan, counted calories, was super nutritious, yet became tired and lost my leanness - odd as so many say it's the opposite. I guess my body is crying out for animal protein, unfortunately, so currently dealing with the most ethicall way to fuel myself. Phewf! Enough about me, feel free to add and chat :D