Am I Consuming Too Much Protein?

i have my calorie intake set at 1895, macros set at p40% / c35% / f25%

my lower caloric intake gives me roughly a 900 caloric deficit, which i am very comfortable it.

i work out every night (power 90) and estimate my calories burned through exercise from 100 to 350 calories per work out. I do not eat back my calories burned, so my deficit is likely around 1000-1250

i am wondering, if my protein intake is too high at this time i weight 237, trying to get in to the 180s.

i am in this for life and dont want to take any shortcuts. Any advice / recommendations would be much appreciated.


  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    No. Many athletes eat 1g of protein per lb of body weight.
  • jasonctyler
    Yeah man, not at all. Find what works for you, I haven't ever heard or of seen any evidence to suggest one macro is superior to another when they are relatively balanced. Your body needs them all.

    Being honest, I'm not personally a fan of cutting out or targeting a single macro to cut back on severely, but there are those diets out there too; and they work for some people.

    I like all food, so it's hard to convince me that if I gave up carbs I'd be healthier, happier, and lose weight quicker. Likewise, there are tons of evidence to suggest that fat isn't the boogey man it's made out to be.

    As far as protein goes... I've seen guys get ripped and increase muscle eating only .8 grams of protein per pound of LBM, and do so at the same time.

    I'd more worry about calories, and making healthier choices for food and the way it's prepared, than a perfect macro breakdown... cause what works for someone else might not work for you, vice versa.

    Find the balance that makes you happiest and stick to it.
  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
    Great advise, Jason, and the poster above, thank you as well.

    I noticed that i can see your food diary. i like looking at it because it gives me ideas for food options. how do i make it so that you can see my diary? maybe you will find something in it that will help you along the way, but for me, it holds me accountable. Thx.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    No. Many athletes eat 1g of protein per lb of body weight.

    maybe athletes but that being said usually the recommendation is 0.8g per Lb of body weight or 1g per lb of LBM.

    Protien is only an issue if you have medical issues esp with your kidneys.

    Most here recommend a 40/30/30 split c/p/f...and tweek as necessary.
  • jasonctyler
    I have to add, that I follow the 40/30/30 split like SezxyStef mentioned. About viewing your diary, you can change it by clicking on settings, finding Dairy Settings, and on that page towards the bottom is the diary sharing options. I have mine set to be viewed by friends only.
  • MisterZ33
    MisterZ33 Posts: 567 Member
    Done. Thanks again, Jason.