Trying again

aloster Posts: 9 Member
I am trying to get back to healthy eating and being more active. I would love active friends to help keep me motivated. I am also working towards quitting cigarettes (would love tips from others so I don't turn to food). I live in Alaska; trying to get a routine going so I don't give up when winter gets here. I'm currently in between jobs another reason I need to get a routine down, I often give up when I start a new job. I am a wannabe runner, like yoga, and hate strength training even though I know I need it. I'm married with two teenagers. I'm a carboholic and love chocolate.


  • HauntedWebbys
    HauntedWebbys Posts: 13 Member
    Running is fun with the right app. I use Zombies! Run and Zombies! Run 5K, which is a app that you listen to while running. It tells a story that you are part of, you're Runner #5. Each run is a mission, so you have something to do. On these missions you pick up supplies. They can be random or you can set points on a route like mini goals. The fun part comes in when you hear zombies! You need to increase your speed by 20% for 1 min or more. If you don't you're caught by a zombie and loose your supplies. The point of the supplies is you can go online an see the town of Abel. You're part of a group of survives. Without the supplies people die, building can't be fixed or upgraded and so on.

    Now I'm not part of the app and make no money or referral bonus from it. You try it for free, but it's going to cost about $10 to $20 bucks depending on what mission packs you buy.

    The GPS on the APP is ok, but not 100% accurate. You can run other GPS apps at the same time if you want absolute accuracy, but since I'm not going to try to qualify for any races I'm fine with it. It does show your route that you walk or run.

    I wish it was connected to MyFitnessPal like Endomondo. If you use (something else I recommend) Zombies! Run and MyFitnessPal are both on it. Earn stuff while being active :D
  • aloster
    aloster Posts: 9 Member
    I had that app for awhile and I liked it, when it worked. It kept freezing so I gave up. :(