Questions about that time of the month....

brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Sorry this really isnt a topic of General Diet and Weight loss but I didnt know where else to post it..... Ladies I have a question, guys sorry if this is too much info but you don't have to read it lol. Anyway.... So my periods had been very regular and I was on Birth Control after I had my son 15 months ago. Im currently not taking birth control and havent been for about 4 months because I need to go back to the doc and get my perscription filled. Last month my period was on time but lasted 2 weeks which isnt normal because its only 4-5 day, this was a FULL 14 days... So now this month I shouid have started my period on monday 11/15 but have yet to start. I feel kinda period-ish but nothing yet. Do you think that it will be a week late because it lasted a week longer or that it is possibly thrown off because of my working out and weight loss since I just started all this as I was ending my period last month? My fiance and I have only had sex 2 times because he is working out of town during the week for the last month and I am almost positive that I wasnt ovulating. But being that my period was longer than normal I guess Im not quite sure when I would have been ovulating. We do want another child but now that the weight loss is going soo well for me and we are getting married in september I was hoping to wait until I got to where I wanted to be weight wise and also until after our wedding. I wont be upset IF I am pregnant and I know if I am that its our own fault for not using protection but I just feel like the birth control kinda hi-jacks my weight loss. Any help here is appreciated!!!!


  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I wont be upset IF I am pregnant and I know if I am that its our own fault for not using protection but I just feel like the birth control kinda hi-jacks my weight loss.

    If you think birth control hijacks your weight loss, wait until you find out how much pregnancy hijacks your weight loss. Seriously, there are many forms of birth control that may suit you.

    Hope things work out for you.
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I do have one child already so I am aware of the weight gain during pregnancy. Thats what put me where I am weight wise right now. BUT I didnt make smart food choices and I didnt exercise at all while pregnant with my son. It is still possible to lose weight if you have weight to lose while pregnant. Thanks for your concern tho!
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    The 'period on the way but its not here yet' could well be a first pregnancy symptom.... I'd take a test just to know one way or the other. It is techincally possible to ovulate while your still bleeding, if it gos on for that long.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    When you go off of bc, it can mess up your cycles..even months later. When I stopped taking bc I had normal cycles for a few months then all of a sudden it was out of wack for a while. Don't stress about it because that won't help any. If it's late, take a test and if its negative, wait a week and take another.

    Also, if you think it hijacks your weight loss, have you thought about Nuva Ring? Or Ortho Tri Cyclen Light? They have less hormones. Or something like a IUD?

    I personally hate Depo Provera (I didn't gain any weight at all till I started using that shot, then I packed on the lbs, same thing happened to my SIL). I just got my tubes tied b/c I was sick of all the side effects of my bc pills, obviously if you want more children that's not a good choice but I'd talk with your doctor about options that don't have as many side effects.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    The 'period on the way but its not here yet' could well be a first pregnancy symptom.... I'd take a test just to know one way or the other. It is techincally possible to ovulate while your still bleeding, if it gos on for that long.

    I thought this, too..but I also remember a few months after I got my tubes tied, my body was adjusting to not using bc and my period was over 2 weeks late and I had pre menstrual symptoms for about 3 weeks before I started. I was freaking out b/c I thought I was pregnant! Lol That's why, you should definitely take a test, and realize that just b/c you are having symptoms it does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. Our bodies take time to adjust to hormone changes.
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I tried the IUD after my son was born and it was the worst choice I had ever made. I was bleeding super super super heavy like going thru 2 bix boxes of tampons in 7 days which was not normal at all for me and I was also having horrible cramping during my period as well as when I wasnt even on my period. They were soo bad that they felt like contractions in late labor. Soo bad that I would lay in bed in the fetal position and almost cry, i couldnt even get up. I also gained 5 lbs in just the few months I had the IUD despite my attempts of working out and eating better. I was also on Ortho lo before i got pregnant and had no problems but then i was put back on that after my IUD and was still having issues losing weight. I have heard that the shot makes lots of ppl that use it gain and I havent yet tried the ring but I will definately consider it.
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    The 'period on the way but its not here yet' could well be a first pregnancy symptom.... I'd take a test just to know one way or the other. It is techincally possible to ovulate while your still bleeding, if it gos on for that long.

    I thought this, too..but I also remember a few months after I got my tubes tied, my body was adjusting to not using bc and my period was over 2 weeks late and I had pre menstrual symptoms for about 3 weeks before I started. I was freaking out b/c I thought I was pregnant! Lol That's why, you should definitely take a test, and realize that just b/c you are having symptoms it does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. Our bodies take time to adjust to hormone changes.

    I dont really have pregnancy symptoms, i mean boobs arent sore, no dizzyness, not anymore tired than usual, no nausea. Just feel bloated and a little crampy. I am going to wait until next week and if it still hasnt arrived I will take a test.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I have never personally used an IUD, because of those side effects that are possible. For some people they work great, not so much for others! Sorry you had to go through that, sounds horrible.

    I did use the ring however, and I loved it. You can't feel it at all. You just put it in and leave it for 3 weeks, take it out for a week and put a new one in. It made my pre menstrual symptoms nearly non existent and my periods got lighter and lighter till they were literally just a day long!
  • TooFine4MFP
    TooFine4MFP Posts: 134 Member
    I too had awful problems w/ the IUD. I kept it for about a year, but I too gained weight and had bad cramping. My doc tried to say the IUD was not the cause, but I know better. I too have been on b/c pills, and yes they do alter your cycles. My cycles used to be 5 days before b/c and now since being off b/c, sometimes they can go as long as 7 days. Take a pregnancy test though, go to the doctor and get a blood pregnancy test too if need be.
  • FYI I have been dieting for the past 2 months and have lost 19 lbs. and haven't had a period since the end of September. Icould vary well be a change in everything, getting off of the pill, taking in different nutrion, losing weight, everything plays a roll.... or maybe there is a bun in the oven.... it only takes one little guy to get in there : )
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    I tried the IUD after my son was born and it was the worst choice I had ever made. I was bleeding super super super heavy like going thru 2 bix boxes of tampons in 7 days which was not normal at all for me and I was also having horrible cramping during my period as well as when I wasnt even on my period. They were soo bad that they felt like contractions in late labor. Soo bad that I would lay in bed in the fetal position and almost cry, i couldnt even get up. I also gained 5 lbs in just the few months I had the IUD despite my attempts of working out and eating better. I was also on Ortho lo before i got pregnant and had no problems but then i was put back on that after my IUD and was still having issues losing weight. I have heard that the shot makes lots of ppl that use it gain and I havent yet tried the ring but I will definately consider it.

    Was it the Mirena or the Paraguard IUD? I know the Paraguard has a tendency to make your period heavier while Mirena (being a hormone using IUD) can make it lighter or disappear completely.
  • brooke0206
    brooke0206 Posts: 255 Member
    I tried the IUD after my son was born and it was the worst choice I had ever made. I was bleeding super super super heavy like going thru 2 bix boxes of tampons in 7 days which was not normal at all for me and I was also having horrible cramping during my period as well as when I wasnt even on my period. They were soo bad that they felt like contractions in late labor. Soo bad that I would lay in bed in the fetal position and almost cry, i couldnt even get up. I also gained 5 lbs in just the few months I had the IUD despite my attempts of working out and eating better. I was also on Ortho lo before i got pregnant and had no problems but then i was put back on that after my IUD and was still having issues losing weight. I have heard that the shot makes lots of ppl that use it gain and I havent yet tried the ring but I will definately consider it.

    Was it the Mirena or the Paraguard IUD? I know the Paraguard has a tendency to make your period heavier while Mirena (being a hormone using IUD) can make it lighter or disappear completely.

    It was Mirena. I HATED IT!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Since I'm getting married in seven months, I decided to go on the nuvaring. I absolutely love it! It's much more reliable than the pill and you only have to hassle with it twice a month (to put it in and take it out). The only downside is that it's more expensive than the pill because there's no generic for it right now.

  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I had a Mirena after my daughter was born and I immediately gained 15 of the 20 pounds I had lost. I had it removed after I thought I'd had a miscarriage and went on Yaz. I wasn't able to lose weight at all.

    I just finished my last pack of Lo Ovral and my period lasted two weeks. Going off hormone birth control combined with weight loss can definitely affect your cycle. Hormones get stored in body fat, so as you burn the fat those hormones are released, which causes your normal levels to fluctuate. So you're probably just fine, but I would take a test just to be sure. After I quit taking the Yaz I got pregnant immediately, even though my husband and I only had sex once or twice.
  • scmajm22
    scmajm22 Posts: 75 Member
    I do have one child already so I am aware of the weight gain during pregnancy. Thats what put me where I am weight wise right now. BUT I didnt make smart food choices and I didnt exercise at all while pregnant with my son. It is still possible to lose weight if you have weight to lose while pregnant. Thanks for your concern tho!
    Pregnancy does not have to mean time to pack on the pounds. I was diagnosed with diabetes so I was put on a diet strict but healthy diet while I was pregnant. By the time I had delivered I only gained a total of 6 pounds and I had a very healthy 9 lb baby girl.....oh and I had not exercised at all during the pregnancy.
  • Haven't had a period since Sept. This morning's pregnancy test came back positive!!!!! : ) And I thought I wasn't having
    my period because of recent weight loss and excersice!!!! :bigsmile:
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    Haven't had a period since Sept. This morning's pregnancy test came back positive!!!!! : ) And I thought I wasn't having
    my period because of recent weight loss and excersice!!!! :bigsmile:

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