A NSV (or more)

nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,747 Member
I went to give blood today. This is something I do fairly frequently bud had not since before I started my lifestyle changes in mid-April.

First, the minor NSV's. My iron was 15, up from a 12.6 last time, which was barely enough to let me donate. Second, my blood pressure was 126/74. Down from being consistently 140/85.

Now, here's the biggie. When the guy asked my weight, without even stopping to think twice I announced proudly "325 pounds." In the past I would have lied, making the number alot closer to the number on my license, which is 265. So, even though I am still fat as can be, and have a long way to go, I have officially re-taken ownership of my correct body weight!


  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,747 Member
    ^shameful self bump^
  • Glynneybug
    Glynneybug Posts: 196 Member
    YEAH!!! That is SO EXCITING! Way to go honey!!!! Keep up the great work. I try to remind myself that even though I want to make changes in my body, I LOVE IT, because it is mine and the only one I will ever have. And damn it, we deserve to be loved at ANY size!!!!

    Proud of YOU!!!!!
  • smashy_smashy
    smashy_smashy Posts: 23 Member
  • jassnip
    jassnip Posts: 116 Member
    Owning reality is huge. Your health accomplishments are wonderful. Keep going.
  • mollybuck
    mollybuck Posts: 64 Member
    You've changed the inside of you as well as the outside, in more ways than one. It's like that moment when you look in the mirror and say, " This is really what I look like, but I am only looking forward and never looking back." Congratulations.
  • phil4v7
    phil4v7 Posts: 68 Member
    Congrats on the NSV, and thank you for reminding me that I may be able to resume giving blood. The last time I was able to give blood successfully was college. The last few times I tried, I couldn't fill the bags fast enough, so they said they couldn't use them. The last time, the nurse suggested it might be related to my weight, so I've never gone back.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    Great NSV! Keep up the good work!

    I have been at this a while (I started back here 7/1/14 under a new name). I renewed my drivers license in Sept 2012 (every 4 years here). The weight is wrong on my license, but for the first time since I got my license, it is over my true weight. That is a good feeling.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Well done :) The first step is often being able to face what you should are. I started at 338lb's myself and I was always .. heeey im not "that" fat. Ive got plenty of muscle etc etc. When I had my body fat % measured and I was above the 40% mark as a male I was kind of google eyed. I have since dropped to 250lb's and 27% body fat my goal being 20% body fat ... for now. You can do it =)
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