Filling food



  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    if you're exercising, chances are you need more calories. i'm doing 1200 calories per day, too - NET calories, which means you're supposed to eat some of your exercise calories back. when i get hungry between meals, i tend to for protein. i may eat a fage 0% yogurt, as it's packed with protein but low in calories. or i have half a scoop of protein powder in half a cup of vanilla soy milk, sweetened with stevia.

    my meals all include about 20 grams of complex carbs each, which keeps one fuller, so i eat things like a small baked potato, barley with veggies or a small serving of hash browns with egg beaters and bell peppers. or a bowl of unsweetened rice cereal and milk.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    I'm struggling with staying under my goal of 1200 calories, especially that I'm exercising now, I get super hungry.
    I know I'm supposed to go for salads and fruits but these food don't seem to be filling for me.
    I was wondering if you can recommend low calorie foods that are filling?

    Protein shake after your work out and eat you need carbs in your diet for energy. Also make sure you are eating your calories back to fuel your work out
  • hollholmes22
    hollholmes22 Posts: 2 Member
    Fruits and veggies are great but don't forget your grains, fiber, and protien.
    Berries, pears, aplles
    beans all kinds of them, yummy
    brown rice
    soups are great for weight loss
    whole grain breads and crackers
    oatmeal, add cinnamon and diced apples to it
    tuna is great in a white bean and tuna salad. Find a recipe that you like on the web.
    hard boiled eggs
    quinoa, tons of recipes on the web

    These are all great idea! I agree that you have to eat back some of your exercise calories. I was not eating back any and I wasn't losing any weight. Once I started to eat some back, I have been losing about a pound a week, which is both a safe/doable goal and my personal goal.Make sure you measure and weigh everything. This has been key to my success so far. Also, I love what others have said about food. You want to eat a balanced diet... not just salads. Have a salad if you want and add some protein and/or quinoa. It will fill you up and give you good nutrients.
  • gsallit
    gsallit Posts: 51 Member
    What do you have your activity level set to in MFP?

    Is there a chance you could reduce your weekly weight loss goal to 1.5lbs. in order to have more calories to eat?

    I have it as sedentary, I will try to do that with adding more protein and see if that works. Thank you
  • gsallit
    gsallit Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you all for all your wonderful suggestions! You were great help!
    I appreciate it !!!
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    Yes, I have to lose about 45 lbs, so to lose 2 lbs/week I have to create a deficit of 1000 calories per day, 500 from exercise and 500 from diet, and since my I burn 1700 calories/day my calorie intake got set to be 1200.

    At only 45lbs to lose, 2lb per week is too high of a goal. You should lower that to 1lb per week. You would be more satisfied, happier, and much healthier.

    strong this.slow and gradual weight loss wins everytime
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Yes, I have to lose about 45 lbs, so to lose 2 lbs/week I have to create a deficit of 1000 calories per day, 500 from exercise and 500 from diet, and since my I burn 1700 calories/day my calorie intake got set to be 1200.
    2 lbs. per week is for those who are 100+ lbs. overweight. Set your goal to 1 lb. per week.

    Your MFP goal will have your 500-calorie deficit already built in. So if your goal is (for example) 1,700 calories and you do 500 calories' worth of exercise, then you eat 2,200 calories.

    Please, read the Sexypants post:
  • gsallit
    gsallit Posts: 51 Member

    This bad boy filled me up beyond my limit. It has 27 grams of protein and 405 calories or 325 calories without the Sriracha and Teriyaki sauce(I normally don't add teriyaki sauce but I wanted to change things up and I had some spare calories). It's fairly simple to make, grilled up 3 oz of salmon marinated in soy sauce on the grill, steamed 150g of rice and 170g(6 oz) of mix vegetables. The salmon can be replaced with 3 oz of chicken thighs for ease of cooking. Took me a while to finish it because I was full halfway through, but I forced myself to finish it because I had a pretty hardcore training day today.

    That looks yummy, and super healthy. 405 calories? I will definitely be making this tomorrow!!!
    Thank you !!!
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Something containing fat! A tiny 150-calorie bag of chips is way more filling than a plate of weeds. And Pringles chips are uniform in size so it is easy to count them out one-by-one to get an exact calorie tally.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    What do you have your activity level set to in MFP?

    Is there a chance you could reduce your weekly weight loss goal to 1.5lbs. in order to have more calories to eat?

    I have it as sedentary, I will try to do that with adding more protein and see if that works. Thank you

    Sedentary is for people who don't exercise at all. Most people are at least "Lightly Active". Even if you have a desk job like me, you still clean the house, cook, walk in malls, walk around stores, and around the office so you are still getting in some exercise. Try setting your profile to that setting with a reduced weekly weight loss rate of 1 or 1.5 lbs. a week. You will still lose weight and have more calories to eat.
  • gsallit
    gsallit Posts: 51 Member
    What do you have your activity level set to in MFP?

    Is there a chance you could reduce your weekly weight loss goal to 1.5lbs. in order to have more calories to eat?

    I have it as sedentary, I will try to do that with adding more protein and see if that works. Thank you

    Sedentary is for people who don't exercise at all. Most people are at least "Lightly Active". Even if you have a desk job like me, you still clean the house, cook, walk in malls, walk around stores, and around the office so you are still getting in some exercise. Try setting your profile to that setting with a reduced weekly weight loss rate of 1 or 1.5 lbs. a week. You will still lose weight and have more calories to eat.

    I just went back and changed my goals and set my level of activity to lightly active and changed my weight loss goal to 1.5/week,
    but it still gave 1200 calories as my daily allowance.
  • KM0692
    KM0692 Posts: 178 Member
    I have just 10 lbs. to lose, but have set my weight loss goal to .5 lb/week. I'd like to lose 1 lb a week, but that would mean eating no more than 1400 calories a day, and I can't do that. I love food way too much, lol...and I know that the slower you lose, the more likely you are to keep the weight off. :)
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    I just went back and changed my goals and set my level of activity to lightly active and changed my weight loss goal to 1.5/week, but it still gave 1,200 calories as my daily allowance.
    You must be short. I'm 5'2" and get 1,220 calories to lose .5 lb. per week (meaning my TDEE before exercise is 1,470).

    The bottom line is weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error to find what works for you. If you're ravenous in 1,200 calories, you will eventually binge. So try lowering your goal to 1 lb. per week. You need to find a sustainable calorie goal at which you can still lose weight.

    Have you read the Sexypants post?
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I agree with the poster who mentioned a big breakfast. Having lots of protein and a good "fill" keeps me going most of the day and I still end the day under my calorie goals. I rarely want to snack during the day.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I just went back and changed my goals and set my level of activity to lightly active and changed my weight loss goal to 1.5/week,
    but it still gave 1200 calories as my daily allowance.

    I agree with editorgrrl. Try reducing your weight loss goal to 0.5 lb. per week and eat back between 50-75% of your exercise calories. Try this for a month and then review your results and make changes if necessary. I am 5'-1" and at "Lightly Active" I get 1200 initial calories. I burn 400 a day and eat back between 200-300 which puts me at 1400-1500 per day. I still lose each week.
  • sharonpink
    sharonpink Posts: 76 Member
    i find that i am less hungry through the day when i have a large breakfast ie; baked beans, sausage, egg, slice of toast, mushrooms. 1200 seems pretty low though, you could try upping to 1250 and you'll probably still get the same results

    I love traditional English breakfasts!
  • Valrotha
    Valrotha Posts: 294 Member
    You want to look for foods higher in protein, fat, and fiber. These help us stay fuller and more satisfied. And be sure you're eating back at least a portion of your exercise calories. At 1200 calories, I wouldn't be surprised if your body is telling you to eat more for a reason.

    Yep, exactly what I was going to say. High fiber and protein meals (specifically shakes) keep me feeling full all day.
  • qmmanager69
    qmmanager69 Posts: 71 Member
    I've been on 1200 for about 3 months now and as of this morning hit 20 lbs lost. My food diary is open if you'd like to take a look. It's not perfect by any means (ahem.....had a bottle of wine for dinner on Saturday night instead of food - but hey, I took a long walk earlier in the day for damage control). I find foods like eggs, spinach, tuna, nuts and beans are a great go to when I'm wanting something that feels "substantial". I've even managed to build in some frozen yogurt and oreos on occasion so I don't feel deprived. Of interest, I do limit (not eliminate) carbs that are from "unnatural" sources as a general rule seldom eating bread, pasta etc... but this is because my stomach doesn't care for gluten, not because I'm on the "no carb diet" side of the fence. I find however, that losing weight is easier when the carbs I consume are from fruits and veggies vs. processed sources.
  • HereLieWe
    HereLieWe Posts: 233 Member

    This bad boy filled me up beyond my limit. It has 27 grams of protein and 405 calories or 325 calories without the Sriracha and Teriyaki sauce(I normally don't add teriyaki sauce but I wanted to change things up and I had some spare calories). It's fairly simple to make, grilled up 3 oz of salmon marinated in soy sauce on the grill, steamed 150g of rice and 170g(6 oz) of mix vegetables. The salmon can be replaced with 3 oz of chicken thighs for ease of cooking. Took me a while to finish it because I was full halfway through, but I forced myself to finish it because I had a pretty hardcore training day today.
    That looks delicious. Have you tried grilling your salmon on a cedar plank? It makes it heavenly.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I'm a vegetarian, so bear that in mind. I really enjoy pan seared tofu (amazingly low cal & high in protein, low in fat) with just a mist of olive oil. I add Italian herbs and sea salt to form a little crust. I like eating it on a bed of greens like spinach and kale with a little red onion. For sauce, I found a great greek yoghurt tzatziki sauce. Light Italian vinaigrette is also great on tofu and greens.