How do I eat???

dean0420 Posts: 1 Member
Like many of us, I'm a constant yo yo dieter. I lose some and then gain it back. What is the most recommended diet trend these days. I'm a low carber who always tends to fall back to that type of strict limited way of eating. I last a month or so, lose some weight and then go totally nuts when I allow myself to eat off the diet. Any advice or best way to lose weight and keep it off?


  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Don't worry about what the "trend" is. Trends are trendy because they are popular, not because they work. You need to find a lifestyle plan that works for you. Start by perusing the forums and seeing works for you. You can't make many of these trends sustainable in the long run. You need to learn sustainable ways of eating.

    One good place to start is accurately logging whatever you already eat when you're not dieting- don't worry about low carb or whatever. Then you can trim your calories and macronutrients down to meet your MFP goals while still eating foods you enjoy.
  • chocolateandbutterscotch
    Don't be trendy, be independent. Forget the crazy fad diets and just learn how to count calories and move more.
  • miladiaz
    miladiaz Posts: 9 Member
    I never believed in diets and was always very athletic until I wasn't. Now that I am older and started working out again, I lost an initial 20 pounds that way, not changing what I was eating at all. I had a few set backs (a broken ankle) but my sped up metabolism remained intact throughout my recovery for the most part. I recently started working out and wasn't losing any more weight, while also building the muscle back in my leg was adding pounds to the scale.

    I joined a clean eating challenge and the pounds have started flying off with proper nutrition and exercise. I just don't eat processed foods. It's not a diet, it's a way of living. I would say that I am 80% clean eater and you can find things in all restaurants to eat under this lifestyle. And there are tons of ways to eat the foods you already love that may take a little longer to prepare than buying ready made, but it doesn't feel like you are on deprivation, just making smarter choices.

    You have to think about changing your habits in a way that works for you and is sustainable, trends are never sustainable.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Go to Harvard's Nutritionsource and learn what's healthy and then control your portions.
  • JaimieAG
    JaimieAG Posts: 48
    My good friend and I have been maintaining (and sometimes losing) weight together for years. Here's my best advice:

    1. Eat the rainbow - a fun way to make good choices
    2. Mind portions- You really don't know what to look for if you don't have all of the information available. This is where fitnesspal helps.
    3. Be prepared. Prepare your meals in advance (day before works best for me) & get your gym bag ready and by the door before you go to sleep. If you don't crazy life will get in the way and you'll skip the gym and eat what's available.
    4. Eat fresh but do it in a way that suits your style. Think of all of the good foods you like then eat a bunch of them.
    5. Exercise. It's a must. It helps control appetite, speed weight loss, helps you firm up, and it gives you a nice sense of accomplishment when you're done which be great in a rut. The only bad workout is the one you didn't do.
    6. FORGIVE YOURSELF If you eat 100cals over, record it, move on. Don't get it in your mind that you failed the whole day and will "start over" tomorrow.
  • graceyykim
    graceyykim Posts: 17
    For this kind of eating habits, I can't stress enough : CALORIE CYCLING. Eat a lot some days, and less others until you reach your weekly net of however calories you wish that correlates to how much weight you want losst. It really works so well.
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    First off, you shouldn't be looking for the next 'diet' to try. You should figure out your calorie goal and eat the foods YOU enjoy which fit into that caloric goal. Of course, you should focus on whole, non processed foods such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean meats, but the healthiest way of eating is one which you can stick to for a lifetime.