Hello, all! Friends?

Hi all, I'm somewhat new to this site (new as in, just now buckling down and getting serious about losing weight) and I'd like to add more people to my friends list for motivation. Let's help each other improve ourselves.

A little about me:

23, in the Philly, PA area.

Fitness level: Somewhat fit, you could say. I'm not new to working out, just don't do it as often as I should (let's change that ?).
I used to skate constantly, now I wanna get back into it. I enjoy cardio and strength training.

Work: Webhosting company, dealing with websites and servers and stuff. Want to get into professional hacking.

Also serving in the Army National Guard.

Hobbies: Programming (different experiences with different langs), bettering myself, playing bass, electric guitar, and ukulele, gaming, listening to different types of music.

Tell me about yourselves, and lets get to know each other, yeah?
