Starvation Mode



  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Have you had your resting metabolic rate tested?
    What about your body fat %?

    I did look through some of your old posts. I see that you are 5'4 (like me) and 160lbs. One thing that stuck out to me though was that you have had an eating disorder before. I think if you cut your calories any lower, you risk potentially falling into another ED behavior.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    Is it possible your TDEE isn't what you think it is and thus you are not in the deficit you think you are? The formulas are not accurate for everyone. If your logging is accurate but the number of calories you're aiming for is not, then losing weight may be an issue.
  • nopotofgold
    nopotofgold Posts: 164 Member
    What I have been reading lately is more about metabolism crashing than starvation mode. Basically track what you are eating for the first week with no changes. Second week trade unhealthy for healthy foods than slowly bring it down to the to the calorie goal by going down a hundred to two hundred a week till you are at your goal. The metabolism crash from dropping so many calorie so quickly and depriving themselves is what can cause binging, extreme feelings of hunger, and make the diet harder to follow.
    Your metabolism is not going to crash. I'm not sure but it sounds like you've been reading articles that are telling you what you want to hear.

    Your metabolism is not going to crash. If it did you'd die.
    I think the article was using crash in the context as slowing due to sudden changes in diet. Like dropping over 1500 calories out of your diet which cause people to feel starved until they get use to it. This was just a new way to adjust to a change that can make or break the diet.
    I don't see how that reading just what I want to hear since since I was looking at ways to keep myself from feeling hungry. I think you may just want to tell everyone with a different opinion or information than you think is right that they are wrong.