innovative technology

in measurement here in here and here and when you see this you say look by Eric here in here that means you today to Cuba air here there's an error here but not an air here so I can associate this error with the cube it at the end thesis a correct Association other data cube it from here to here but it turns out that that backing out of the real air is not unique you can also take the compliment and the compliment also solves this and your question 400-101 is a course which one you take well obviously this has two errors its going Togo as this p-square this is three errors PQ this is more likely than this so you gonnachoose this be right most the time but every to everyone so often with probability PQ you're going to get logical error given by this you can't work out thatEunos high school statistics 400-101 and then write down a formula up for this and you see that is very simple description at this fairly well matches this is there some subtlety that it doesn't pick up but you basically get the idea okay so that's how error correction works in just means you need to have small errors and a big enough size and this is just taking the formula we got here and I say let's holler cubit stat 400-101 e with that logic error rate it 10 -5which is one second time 10 -10 a day in 10 demise 20 ill bit more as a lifetime in the universe and you see that if you can be like a2.1 percent error here and makeup few thousand cubits you can hold a cubit stay this fragile quantum state for the lifetime of the universe that's cool okay course that's kind what you have to do if you have a hundred million cubits doing some algorithm you need to have some kind of small logical error rate the Rena algorithm properly but you can actually approach lifetimes the state's with this idea up like you know what you...