Oatmeal... and now I'm hungry.



  • paniolo5
    paniolo5 Posts: 186 Member
    Powdered egg whites have protein & can be added to anything. Throw a spoonful in your oatmeal - no extra time needed to cook & clean a pan!

    Love your signature quote - I've had that posted on my computer for years!
  • Don't be afraid to hungry often and eat often, just make your meals smaller and try to keep them around 300cals. Your stomach shrinks and you feel full, its when we eat 500cal meals 3 times a day that we get into trouble. Eat when you are hungry :)
  • kate205gti
    kate205gti Posts: 84 Member
    i add a tablespoon of protein powder to mine and some berries which is filling, but im still wanting a snack 2-3 hours later - i love to eat so i have lots of mini snacks thorughout the day (yoghurt, walnuts, almonds, rice cakes, apple, fruit, etc..) as long as its within the calorie allowance i find eatling little and often makes me happy
  • I used to swear by oatmeal every morning too, and I had the same problem. I switched to two egg whites and a piece of lite toast no butter. It's only 100 calores (vs the 160 in my oatmeal) and it leaves me feeling so much fuller. I leave the pan, measuring cup, and spray out on the stove the night before, so measuring the egg whites and cooking them takes like 3 minutes. I pack it in a little to go container and take it to work with me.

    Also, I don't know if you drink coffee, but I have a big cup of black coffee when I get to work which usually allows me to stave off my hunger for an hour to two hours. I don't usually eat the eggs and toast until 9:00-10:00.

    I've found that as soon as I eat breakfast, my metabolism gets going and I just want more food, so the longer I delay breakfast, the better. I never push it past 10 though.
  • Bamacraft
    Bamacraft Posts: 175 Member
    I eat the Quaker high fiber oatmeal. I add 2 Tbsp of crunchy peanut butter. Thats good and without tons of sugar plus keeps me full longer.
  • I add a scoop of protein powder to my oatmeal also, as well as a spoonful of pumpkin, flaxseed powder and sometimes some bran. I just boil some water and add everything! lately I've been adding chopped up cranberries because they are in season with some cinnamon. I used to have the packets but they are full of sugar and the low sugar ones have tons of sodium!! I don't like my oatmeal mushy so you can even add it to hot water from the microwave and let it sit for a few minutes. This should last you til lunch!!
  • mrsewert
    mrsewert Posts: 430 Member
    I get tired of oatmeal and I don't get out of bed in the morning to make something before I leave so I have a couple of options here....

    Boiled Eggs (Grab n Go)
    Oatmeal I just bought a new kind called Quaker Heart Medleys haven't tried it but it sounds and looks good. Banana Walnut ;)
    I have multri grain english muffins and peanut butter (Jif's got a natural with low sodium)

    I've also taken my hard boiled eggs and smashed them up, spread some laughing cow cheese on a tortilla and microwave for 30 seconds. :) along with a piece of fruit.

    I eat when I get to work about 8 am and at 10am I have either yogurt or hard boiled egg and then I eat dinner at noon or so.
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