Help/Advice? Changed diet, now feeling sick



  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    By feeling sick I mean I feel nauseous, and in the past week I have actually been sick twice. However this has always been on an empty stomach and only once in the morning. After I have eaten I feel fine, so perhaps it is something to do with blood sugar. In addition to feeling sick I also feel quite headachey, tired/faint.

    Sounds like early pregnancy. I already had these symptoms 5-10 after ovulation, even my next period was still 8-10 days away. I had the "full blown" morning sickness later in the 2.-3. month (8-14 weeks). Just little queasiness in the morning and as soon I ate something it disappeared.

    As others said, it could also your "lopsided" diet or supplements you are taking. If you drink coffee and weight loss supplements with caffeine it can cause headaches as well.

    Well, I hope it works out for you.
  • There's a decent amount of evidence showing green tea extract can help with weight loss, but outside of that it's also very good for you in general. However I don't think it's the extract that's causing the nausea as it started before I started using it. Thank you for your suggestion.

    I was going to mention the green tea extract too.

    If I take it on an empty stomach it makes me nauseous. If I take it with food I am usually fine.

    Maybe stop taking the supplements for a few days and see if that makes a difference?
  • LSJepson
    LSJepson Posts: 15 Member
    There's a decent amount of evidence showing green tea extract can help with weight loss, but outside of that it's also very good for you in general. However I don't think it's the extract that's causing the nausea as it started before I started using it. Thank you for your suggestion.

    I was going to mention the green tea extract too.

    If I take it on an empty stomach it makes me nauseous. If I take it with food I am usually fine.

    Maybe stop taking the supplements for a few days and see if that makes a difference?

    I will do :) Thank you
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    OP, how did it go this morning?
  • LSJepson
    LSJepson Posts: 15 Member
    OP, how did it go this morning?

    Hello :) Thank you for coming back and asking.

    Yesterday morning I felt a little bit sick - not to the point where I thought I would be sick, just a bit queezy. As soon as I ate I was fine, and I had my multivitamin after dinner. I was fine for the rest of the day bar a small headache (not sure if the headache is related to be honest, I've not been having great sleep lately so that could be it).

    I think the feeling sick might have been due to sleeping funny and waking up with achey shoulders/neck. My neck is quite sensitive so it could be that. I also didn't take my green tea powder. I didn't eat much more than normal on Thursday either so that mat be why I still fell a bit sick.

    This morning I feel much better :) I still have a wee bit of a headache but again I didn't sleep very well, only had 6-7 hours. So far I've been awake for about 40 minutes and I don't feel sick at all (I usually feel it as soon as I sit down). The changes I made yesterday were 1. I ate before having my multivitamin 2. I didn't take the green tea powder. 3. I had much less caffeine and 4. I ate a decent amount more than normal.

    So it could be any of those things, but I think it's probably a mix of not eating enough and taking the multi vit. on an empty stomach. I'll continue to eat more the next few days and eat before the multivitamin. Then I'll re-introduce the green tea powder to see if I start to feel sick again. If I don't then I'll assume it's because I wasn't eating enough or having food with the multi vit.
  • LSJepson
    LSJepson Posts: 15 Member
    I didn't really look at your diary, but one thing that I am wondering is if you are taking that multivitamin on an empty stomach. They can cause some abdominal distress. Plus certain vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are fat soluble and need a bit of dietary fat so that your body can absorb them. Just my initial thoughts.

    As for the headache. Are you eating back at least some of your exercise calories? It is important if you are working out that you fuel that exercise with enough nutrition. Do you drink lots of caffeinated products? I drink a lot of tea, and I occasionally wake up with a headache which goes away with my first cup. If I don't get that morning cup, I'm pretty tough to be around.

    Hope this helps :flowerforyou:

    Hi Netmegoro,

    Thank you for your response. You know you might be right - I often just take my multivitamins as soon as I'm up and awake so perhaps that's the issue. I will make sure to eat them after breakfast now!

    I'm not sure what counts as a lot of caffeinated products. I might have 1-2 cups of coffee a day, and the thermopure I have three days a week contains caffeine too. I suppose that would count as a significant amount?

    Calorie wise I'm not really sure. In a week I tend to burn off about 3 1/2 days worth of food by eating a little under my basic metabolic rate and exercising. So say I burn about 5250 calories in a week and I consume around 10500.

    If you are consuming 10500/week and burning 5250/week in exercise, you are netting about 750 calories/day. That's really low. At the very least you should be eating at your BMR. Perhaps try eating BMR plus 1/2 exercise calories. MFP tends to estimate exercise calories on the high side. Your deficit seems way too steep. Headaches and nausea are not uncommon when you cut too much. The fact that you feel better after eating says a lot too. Try upping your calories for several days and see if that helps you feel better (stay of the scale for a few days too, you will retain water when increasing calories, this is just water weight not fat).

    Hi again :)

    I ate more food yesterday (actually I ate TOO MUCH food yesterday, a friend had a take-away night) and I took my multivitamins after dinner yesterday. I've been up for an hour and a half now, I have only had a cup of tea and I don't feel sick :D I also took the green tea extract out of my diet. I will add that back in a few days if I still feel fine. Thanks a lot for your advice. I will find a way to up my calorie intake without going overboard with sugar, fat etc. :)
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I am really happy to read this update. Thank-you for taking the time to come back and provide it. I am glad you were willing to make some of the changes to see what would work. Feeling nauseated is among my least favorite things. I hope you find success in feeling better in the next few days, and that you are able to keep moving forward with your goals. Thanks again for the update. :heart:

    ETA: Your Thursday looks good, and Friday was a bit high, but in all honesty I have those days once in a while too (okay, more often than I should). Truthfully, you need to find the balance that works for you. Nicely done!
  • Its the green tea extract . I get the same major headaches when I take green tea pills. I suggest you toss them n drink green tea. its worked for me n I dont deal with massive explosive headaches.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I am going to go a head and guess it is likely the multiviatmin or supplement. I know when I used to take a zinc supplement...I would get hardcore sick to the point of almost throwing up. It was not fun.

    Typically, it was because I was taking supplements on an empty stomach - ALWAYS eat those suckers with food, or its going to come right back up again.