Should I change jobs?

xxharleyquinnxx Posts: 166 Member
I currently work in a hospital 2 days a week (am only part time) but have been offered another job (35 hours per week) and I am really unsure on whether to take it or not. I have wrote pros and cons but still cannot decide. More so I really enjoy my job right now but I find it very physically demanding and do a 12 hour shift every week (sometimes twice) however my new job would just be 8:00-3:00 but 5 days a week. More so the new place that have offered me a job didn't seem very welcoming when I went for the interview, the interviewees were great but the other reception staff just seemed pretty like blah and I thought 'do I really want to work here'. Also if I do more hours then I know I will have less time for socialising and family things so that also has got me thinking on what I should do. Anyone been in this situation?


  • agousetis
    agousetis Posts: 113 Member
    Two things I will say here.

    1) If you love you current job, stay there!! I can only dream of loving my job. I am only stuck there because "it pays the bills, very well" and I've put in over 10 years and can retire in 15 more years.

    2) Follow your gut instinct. It sounds like you may have already gotten a bad feeling from the interview.....follow what your gut tells you and it will lead you in the right direction.
  • shadowofender
    shadowofender Posts: 786 Member
    Which job has better opportunities for the long term? Can you pay your bills with either one, or does one make a difference? Yes, how you feel should play a role in a job you choose, but realistically, jobs are about supporting yourself.
  • xxharleyquinnxx
    xxharleyquinnxx Posts: 166 Member
    Well I guess I cannot go up in my job as the hospital because I just am a health care assistant whereas in the new job I could reach senior receptionist. I could pay bills with both but am hoping to move out next year and so the new job would help Mr save faster I guess. Hmm so undecided!
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    Well I guess I cannot go up in my job as the hospital because I just am a health care assistant whereas in the new job I could reach senior receptionist. I could pay bills with both but am hoping to move out next year and so the new job would help Mr save faster I guess. Hmm so undecided!

    1.) You are 2 days a week part time.
    2.) you cannot move up in your current job, but you can in the other
    3.) You set a goal of moving out, so the new job/more hours can help you meet these goals faster.

    Now that you see it spelled out, what do *you* think?

    Personally, I'd take it. I value my financial independence. What do you value?
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Given the information you've provided here...I would stay with the current part time job and keep looking for a job with more hours that is an "obvious" yes, a place you would be more excited about working and feel comfortable making the switch.

    Now if this went on a year or two down the line and you were always feeling hesitant to jump into a new opportunity I would be concerned, especially since you will need more financial independence down the line.

    But for now it sounds like you are hesitant for a good reason about this opportunity and (IMHO) should pass on it.

    A few times in my life I've taken a new job when I had some initial reservations about it, like you describe (the other employees in reception seeming blah, not a great vibe overall). Every single time my instincts have been dead on and the job sucked or I didn't like the company atmosphere. I have almost ALWAYS liked my interviewer(s) during those initial stages, because they are generally very professional and affable and it doesn't really tell you if they will be good employers.