Underestimating calories and overeating at breakfast

rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
I guess this is a lesson in the consequences of bad tracking. A couple of times a week, I have this hot cereal recipe I got from a book that's 1/2 cup oatmeal and 2 tbs to 1/4 cup of Bob's 10 grain cereal, with 2 pecans or 1 tbs walnuts, 1tbs dried fruit and sometimes some fresh fruit thrown in, and then some lowfat milk. I thought all of this was around the 260-300 range, based on what this book says. Then, today I looked at the calories on the package of Bob's says. 1/4 cup is 130 calories. So, this healthy cereal mixture I've been making is over 400 calories, but I've been logging it as around 265-300. Also, since I'm at a pretty low target, I've blown a lot of calories at breakfast and have very little for the rest of the day. I did a circuit training class yesterday and am sore as hell, so I hurt too much to even work that many calories off! Anyway, now I know one reason why I'm not losing. Like many people, I think I'm in a deficit, when I'm not since this is a meal I have pretty regularly.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    that is why there is a recipe function in MFP to prevent these sorts of things.

    I have over 50 recipes in there that I use frequently.

    That is why logging accurately is key...weighing and choosing correct entries.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I'm glad you figured it out! IMO there are a lot of people on here who insist they are in a deficit and are not because little mistakes like this add up. 100 extra calories here, 50 there, next thing you know you *think* you're eating 1500 but it's really more like 1800.

    Thanks for this post. Maybe it will help someone else. :flowerforyou:
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Recipes will do ya in! I use the recipe calculator now, but holy crap, why don't all recipes include weights? I made pecan pie and it called for 1 heaping cup of pecans. The variability in just that 1 ingredient could make a huge difference. Nut serving size is so small =(
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    For many people who have problems losing weight, it's the food. This is the reason accurately tracking is vital to losing weight.
  • hoffmanchristina
    hoffmanchristina Posts: 22 Member
    First, what is your total amount of calories for the day? If 1200, a 400 calorie breakfast isn't bad as long as you other meals are about 400 calories each.

    One solution to cut calories is Meijer had these mixed bowls of fresh fruit already cut up and ready to eat. 1 cup of Strawberry, Blueberry, and Pineapple mix is only 80 calories. You could fill up an entire cereal bowl for less than 300 calories. Mixed melons is only 60 calories a cup. This can be eaten for either breakfast or lunch.

    If you really like your Hot Cereal mix, look to see if there is an alternative brand of the ingredients with fewer calories. I know dried fruit is high in calories.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    In studies where they trained people how to food log and then tested them on it, people missed 25% of their calories on average. It's tough. A lot of people here think if they have a food scale, they're nailing it. There are a lot of other potholes you can fall into. And if it's something you eat daily like you have, it can screw up your whole plan.

    That's one reason the '1200 fear' is overblown, in my opinion. Most people who think they're eating 1200 are most likely more like 1500. That's probably why doctors prescribe low cal so much-- they know you'll overshoot it so they have to go low for people to rack up any significant deficits at all.
  • kathie1313
    kathie1313 Posts: 20 Member
    I don't seem to be getting responses to my posts at all. Does anyone see them>?
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    I used to put flax seed in my oatmeal. Cut it after seeing the calories it added. Now eating a half cup old fashioned with 15grams of chopped almonds (1/2 serving), and raisins (think it's half serving at 15grams also). Won't think about giving up my coffee creamer. LOL
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I don't seem to be getting responses to my posts at all. Does anyone see them>?
    Hi Kathie- All I see for you is this comment and a thread from July 8 about wraps that got a lot of response. Did you start other threads and they're not showing up?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Recipes will do ya in! I use the recipe calculator now, but holy crap, why don't all recipes include weights? I made pecan pie and it called for 1 heaping cup of pecans. The variability in just that 1 ingredient could make a huge difference. Nut serving size is so small =(

    Yeah I'm so annoyed at US recipes. Cups are just ridiculously dumb.

    And I never ever use the calorie count that websites or magazines give for a recipe.. I always calculate it myself. Out of the top of my head I can remember a pie recipe I used online that was supposed to be 300 calories for 1/6 of the pie and turned out to be 600, and a single serving cake on Chocolate Covered Katie that was supposed to be 100 calories and turned out to be 300!

    Never ever trust them...
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    99% of the time the reason people aren't losing is inaccurate logging.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    What happened is that I had an old bag of the Bob's stuff that was broken, so I just put it in a baggie and threw the bag away. I ran out and started on a new one this week; that's when I saw how many calories were in a 1/4 cup. Most of the time, my breakfasts are under 300. The problem with 400 calories a meal is that I tend to eat nutritious snacks between meals to carry me over, usually around 100 a snack. Today, no snacks for me, I guess. I think I'll continue with the recipe, but just 1/2 the portion.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    You might find that with the bigger breakfast you don't need the snack. :smile:
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    It depends on my schedule that day. I have felt fuller eating this particular breakfast, and if it's on a day when I'm not on my "early" schedule and I don't work out, I can make it to lunch without a snack. However, I have 2-4 days a week where I get up very early to teach (around 6:00 AM) and it's tough to make it through lunch without a snack. If I work out on any day, I can't make it to lunch without a snack. Sometimes I end up eating an early lunch on work out days because I can't make it until 12:00.