Gym Routine Question -- First Timer

Hello Everyone.

My husband and I recently joined Planet Fitness and we will be going for the first time tonight. For those that are already part of gyms, what recommendations would you make as far as work outs to start with. My problem areas are my stomach, legs and arms (basically everything from the neck down) and my husband is looking to loose his stomach.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!


  • mjgrin
    mjgrin Posts: 883 Member
    I would start cardio, such as a treadmill or the elliptical or bicycle. Weight lifting is important too, although you may not see results until you lose weight. I would focus on the cardio for now with a little bit of weight lifting (whether it be a machine or free weights).

    The Planet Fitness where I live has a trainer there (at certain times), perhaps you could see if yours does too. Good luck!
  • LoneWolf_70
    LoneWolf_70 Posts: 1,151 Member
    start by walking on the treadmmill. I think the bigest thing you can do is log how long, far and at what pace and then try to increase EVERY TIME you work out. dont worry if when you start is painfully slow or short. just start....and track.
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    As far as weights are concerned, focus on compound movements--thing chest press, lat pull downs, squats, etc. Exercises which focus on the big muscle groups rather than bicep curls, tricep extensions, and crunches.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    Cardio is great, but I would recommend not slacking on weight lifting either. You may lose slower than when you just do cardio, but as you lose you will be leaner and smaller (muscle is more compact than fat).

    I try to do a full body workout each time. If you need specific moves, this is a good website to get ideas based on what muscle you want to work and what equipment you have.
  • sed2209
    sed2209 Posts: 5
    I start with cardio, so some HIIT on the treadmill (so walk, jog, sprint, walk, sprint, jog...and repeat for about 15 mins), then just 15 mins on the cross trainer, I then do some resistance and I will do some squats, lunges, calf raises, wall sits, plank and stretches (especially my waist) I avoid sit ups because I want to burn fat off my stomach before I build up my abs, to avoid a bigger belly ;) and then I use the weight machines (which is essential for losing weight and toning isn't just for guys, and I have noticed a huge difference!) but hopefully, there will be a professional at your gym to help you with a programme...I also do fitness classes (metafit and kettlercise) 4 times a week too and I swim at least 3 times a week as well...i really recommend swimming, as you won't be as achey for it!

    Find a work out regime you enjoy, or you will never stick to it :)

    Good luck :)