Can't stop losing weight:-(

I reached my goal of 105 over a month ago, but I still kept losing weight. When I hit 100 I thought okay I'll maintain from here and give myself a 5 lb margin, but since then I still can't stop losing. I'm currently 96 lbs and scared to eat more than 1400 calories during the week On weekends when I get a cheat meal I make it a cheat day and eat about 2,000 calories over my maintenance, but by the next week I lose another lb. I lost all this weight and I'm scared to gain any back, but every time I see the scale drop it makes me think what am I doing. I also would weigh every day until my husband had to take away my scale and it gives me anxiety not knowing my weight. What is going on with me? I know it's okay if I gain weight or maintain, but my mind is holding me back. Any advice? I just want to be healthy for my family.


  • _Resolve_
    _Resolve_ Posts: 735 Member
    Start increasing your calories by 200 every couple of days until you start to maintain.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    If you are still losing weight, than you need to eat more to a level where you maintain. Check this video out on reverse dieting to get your calories back up with minimal to no fat gain. It's by Layne Norton, who is a natural body builder/powerlifter, a highly regarded fitness competitor coach, and he has a PhD in nutritional science.

    It's not healthy to go underweight. For you health, you need to eat more. Add in slowly, and you won't gain much if any back. I had the same fears when I started to add back in calories, but it works.

  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Gosh, I wish I had this problem.
  • Tanie98
    Tanie98 Posts: 675 Member
    I reached my goal of 105 over a month ago, but I still kept losing weight. When I hit 100 I thought okay I'll maintain from here and give myself a 5 lb margin, but since then I still can't stop losing. I'm currently 96 lbs and scared to eat more than 1400 calories during the week On weekends when I get a cheat meal I make it a cheat day and eat about 2,000 calories over my maintenance, but by the next week I lose another lb. I lost all this weight and I'm scared to gain any back, but every time I see the scale drop it makes me think what am I doing. I also would weigh every day until my husband had to take away my scale and it gives me anxiety not knowing my weight. What is going on with me? I know it's okay if I gain weight or maintain, but my mind is holding me back. Any advice? I just want to be healthy for my family.

    eat more and 1400 calories for maintenance sounds too low
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Eat more calories. Start introducing high-calorie foods toy your diet. Nut butters, olive oil, avocado, full-fat dairy/cheese, etc.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 429 Member
    I reached my goal of 105 over a month ago, but I still kept losing weight. When I hit 100 I thought okay I'll maintain from here and give myself a 5 lb margin, but since then I still can't stop losing. I'm currently 96 lbs and scared to eat more than 1400 calories during the week On weekends when I get a cheat meal I make it a cheat day and eat about 2,000 calories over my maintenance, but by the next week I lose another lb. I lost all this weight and I'm scared to gain any back, but every time I see the scale drop it makes me think what am I doing. I also would weigh every day until my husband had to take away my scale and it gives me anxiety not knowing my weight. What is going on with me? I know it's okay if I gain weight or maintain, but my mind is holding me back. Any advice? I just want to be healthy for my family.

    You are being obsessive compulsive about the whole thing. If you want to be healthy for your family, you need to be healthy! You can't obsess over a number of calories & obviously can't count on just the extra calories on a cheat day to make up for the deficit. Stop being scared to gain it back; besides you obviously have gone 5 lbs below your margin & 10lbs below your goal weight! You need to gain that weight back by slowly increasing your calories especially if you are working out hard. You can't continue to lose weight & be healthy. Your husband was right to take away the scale. Pick a piece of clothing that fits you right at your goal & use that as a measure & by how you feel; at least for now.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You really only have one option and that is to up your calories until you find maintenance. If you can't do that due to emotional issues that you just can't get past then I would work on that part of the equation. You have to get into the right frame of mind for maintenance the same as you did for weight loss. It Is no different for those bulking, it is all a mental game first and foremost and you have to gain control there first if you are to be successful at any of it... Best of Luck
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    If you can't gain on your own-please seek professional help very soon. What you are doing will have disastrous consequences if you're not able to stop!
  • Spiderkeys
    Spiderkeys Posts: 338 Member
    Same situation here, my weight can Fluctuate up to 8-9 pounds, then I think I'm gaining and eating too much, so a re-adjust with a semi fast day between and get back in control to find out I lost even more weight, in fact I surprising lost over 18 pounds below my goal weight since switching to maintenance back in March this year, and worried just to go and gain it back tor he fear the losing control, and I dont want my body gaining new pounds of fat after I got of the old, and this is me who eats 2,200 to 2,600 calories and lost all this weight which is ridiculous. 2,600 seems to much after a few days then 2,200 seems way too little after a week on it, already my underweight range is in sight, and if I accidentally lose another 18 pounds then I'm in big trouble. so I hope you can find a way to stall your weight for good just as I planning, I can live with my weight now and be happpy with it, as long as It doesn't drop any further.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    The entire food thing is a mental game. eating too much and out of control..and then the opposite….which you are experiencing.

    Trust yourself. You have lost weight by being in control. You weight loss didn't just happen . You did it. You are in control. Just increase your calories by 200 or 400 a day. You can do that. You won't gain it back, think about it logically ….you are in control. you got this!!!
  • marilandica
    marilandica Posts: 88 Member
    This maintenance thing is hard, I know because I'm trying to figure it out myself. Please don't be offended if I say you sound like you might be on the fine edge of an eating disorder. Stop weighing so often and increase your calories, certainly, but maybe even more fundamentally, it might be time to talk to a professional about this. Better to be proactive than react only after your health is compromised.
  • It really sounds like you have an eating disorder. Complaining that you "cant stop" losing weight and then admitting that you are scared to eat more in the same breath is ridiculous. You just answered your own question. I think you should see a dietitian and not a website.
  • mscheftg
    mscheftg Posts: 485 Member
    I reached my goal of 105 over a month ago, but I still kept losing weight. When I hit 100 I thought okay I'll maintain from here and give myself a 5 lb margin, but since then I still can't stop losing. I'm currently 96 lbs and scared to eat more than 1400 calories during the week On weekends when I get a cheat meal I make it a cheat day and eat about 2,000 calories over my maintenance, but by the next week I lose another lb. I lost all this weight and I'm scared to gain any back, but every time I see the scale drop it makes me think what am I doing. I also would weigh every day until my husband had to take away my scale and it gives me anxiety not knowing my weight. What is going on with me? I know it's okay if I gain weight or maintain, but my mind is holding me back. Any advice? I just want to be healthy for my family.

    1400 on maintenance?! That's way too low. I imagine that you exercise, as well. (Hard to know for sure any details cause your profile is minimal.)

    I don't want to label, discourage, or judge, but it sounds like you are heading in the direction of an eating disorder. Please get some professional help (either with gaining & then maintaining -or- the psychological side of this).
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    If your mind is holding you back, then this is where you should be thinking about seeing a therapist who can help you.

    Try adding back calories slowly like others have said. Add 100-200 cals per day for a week (I mean eat 1500-1600 every day for a week). Next week add 100-200 cals again. Continue like this until you reach maintenance. If you can't make a solid start on this on your own in the next week or two, then you NEED to see a therapist ASAP.

    Once you are in maintenance, if you want to gain a bit more weight - and it sounds like you should - head over to the Gaining Weight forum for some good advice on how to do that in a nice controlled fashion.
  • sagreenious
    sagreenious Posts: 64 Member
    I'd suggest going to see a doctor and telling him/her what you've just told us.
  • peanutbutter_runner
    peanutbutter_runner Posts: 36 Member
    Hi so I've never posted on here and just looking for advice. First and foremost I started counting calories to lose my baby weight. My initial goal was 110 lbs. I'm a shorty 5'1 and the smallest I had ever been was around there and I loved it. Well I achieved that goal and thought to myself, I wonder if I could go down to 105 lbs and yes I'll be happy then and I'll work on getting fit. But then I decided to keep going and I came down to 100 lbs and I thought okay I'm good now, but then everyone said I was too skinny. I thought I looked fine. I love seeing my muscles, my abs, but my husband hates it. He thinks I need to gain 10 lbs back, but I feel great being a size 0 and I feel I don't look skinny. I feel I look fit. Lately when we go out to eat i eat everything I can, sometimes to the point I feel sick, but then on Mondays I go right back to eating around 1300-1400 calories and it's become a cycle. But right now I feel if it's getting serious because I've since lost more weight. And now I'm around 97-98 lbs and I don't want to go over that. I've become so obsessed with the number and calorie counting. I'm actually worried about myself and my husband does not like I'm always on my phone calculating every single thing I put in my mouth. Is it just me or am I becoming unhealthy trying to be healthy? Any advice?
    Please no judgments

    You posted the above post on July 4th. I am certainly not judging, but it seems to me you "can't stop losing weight" perhaps on purpose and would probably benefit from seeing a therapist if you cannot increase calories yourself and bump your weight back up on your own. There is no shame in that. I am starting back with one myself at the end of this month. This is not a path you want to let yourself go down.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,959 Member
    Sounds like an eating disorder. Can I suggest seeing a professional - it seems to me that you may have anxiety relating to food. :( Good luck!
  • Ondreacrandall
    Ondreacrandall Posts: 43 Member
    Yes... what she said
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    Eat more calories. Start introducing high-calorie foods toy your diet. Nut butters, olive oil, avocado, full-fat dairy/cheese, etc.

    THIS. If you're still eating fat-free, low fat, etc, this is the easiest way to add calories. You will be fine. Congratulations on reaching your goal. Have you set your MFP calories to maintenance?
  • earthboundmisfit
    earthboundmisfit Posts: 192 Member
    If you're scared to eat enough calories to achieve a healthy weight you should probably tell your doctor. Is sounds might you might be sliding into an eating disorder. I'm not a professional, i don't presume to diagnose you, just writing from my personal experience with anorexia.