Just Changed My Goal!

First I would like to preface this message with this: I AM VERY NEW TO WEIGHT LOSS, I'M A NOVICE, I KNOW LESS THAN YOU, I GET THAT, PLEASE BE NICE :)

Ok, When i first started on MFP i set my goal at losing 2 Lbs a week. This set me to 1200 Calories a day, which i have stuck to for about 60 days. I am taking this process slow because I know in the past what I did for quick weight loss never worked. Anyway after reading some posts and seeing what my own body needs I realized I feel better with around 1350 Calories a day. Especially on the days that I work out. So I changed my goal on here to losing 1.5 a week. I'm actually not that concerned with how many lbs I lose in a week, I just want to go about it in a healthy way and see a lasting effect.

My question is with this new goal of 1350, should I be eating back my calories as well? I had been doing so with the 1200 so that on days that I worked out I would still net 1200. But I'm worried that that would put me at an amount that is too high. I don't necessarily want to gain any weight switching to more calories but I understand if I have to go back to move forward, so to speak. Is there any way for me to gradually increase and make the shift or should i just jump right in?

Any help in appreciated. Again... Don't be mean :)


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    if mfp set your calorie goal, then yes, eat back 50-75% of calories burned (50-75% is to account for overestimation's)
    with only a 150 cal increase, just jump right in
  • Me_again143
    Me_again143 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you!

    Much appreciated reply! :)
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    You MAY "gain" a little weight in the beginning, just as you would with any change in your routine (new exercise, different eating patterns, etc), but so much of our body weight is water. You must be patient and trust the numbers if you think they are accurate.

    People will be much nicer to you if you don't come back in three days being all "ZOMG, my weight is up 3.2 pounds from 3 days ago, what should I do?!?" versus if you come back in a month and go "hey guys, thanks for the advice, after an initial bump in the first week or so I lost 5.6 pounds over the last month and feel fantastic!"
  • Me_again143
    Me_again143 Posts: 7 Member
    Hahaha Duly noted!! and thank you also for the advice, I'm way more concerned with the long term than a few inconsistency's on the scale, so I think I will be fine it it fluctuates a bit in the start. I also weigh myself every 2 weeks for that reason instead of every week, It helps make me less obsessed with the numbers. Hopefully I'll be back in a month or 2 with positive results!