What do you guys think of this article?



  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    Absolute load of crap!

    Mixing two animal proteins makes it harder to digest them? What if you just eat more of one of those proteins? You know what - you'll still digest them.

    Can't digest starch and protein at the same time? Does this moron actually science?

    Argh. Stopped after that. Too much derp for me.

    ETA - so I went back and finished it. It makes me sad that people with this little knowledge of human biochemistry/physiology are allowed access to a computer, it really does.
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    How about milk and meat? The fat in milk doesn't digest well with protein from meat. How about the fact that milk has protein? What a load of bull.

    I just ate the meat and potatoes WITH cheese and I feel awesome. :smile:
  • llaurenmarie
    llaurenmarie Posts: 1,260 Member
    i hate OJ with cereal but hasn't it always been known to chug milk and juice after eachother to be able to play hookie from school?
  • ClinicalTrial
    ClinicalTrial Posts: 55 Member
    It's a fact that there are going to be ill-conceived food pairings as long as we know the depth of complexity to physiology and I'd love a modulated approach to that end, but this article hasn't sponged up enough information and thereby merit.
  • redversustheblue
    redversustheblue Posts: 1,216 Member
    Horrible article, couldn't even finish it it was so terrible.

    And as a New Mexican, I take serious offence to that horrible picture they used to show "beans and cheese." What even was that? Cause that wasn't right.