Turning 30 in August


Whats up everyone

I just joined up a few minutes ago and Im excited to finally have an account. Im hitting the big 3.0 in a couple of weeks so I want to make a big dent in my weigh loss this year. I've lost about 30 pounds in the past year but I want to speed up the process this year because I have a lot of weight to lose. I've already made lots of lifestyle changes and I just look forward to making even more this year.

Hope to get to know many of you on the same path to getting fit and healthy.


  • Hey there ....

    I'm new to MFP. Turning 51 next month. Been on the journey for a very long time. Doing my very best to maintain the 130lbs. lost.

    Looking forward to making new friends!
  • countrylove12
    countrylove12 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm new as well - just started a couple of weeks ago. It took a little bit but I'm really starting to get the hang of it! Good luck to you!
  • Bellodesiderare
    Bellodesiderare Posts: 278 Member
    Hi Marcelle,

    First off, congrats on losing your first 30 lbs. I turned 30 this past January and like you had lost about 25 lbs and stayed stuck in a self-dug rut for around a year. Fastforward to now and I've lost a total of 70 lbs. You can do it!! For me, the most important thing has been sticking with it (even on days where my attitude needed adjusting). Just wanted to wish you the very best of luck and tell you that even though I am 30, I feel 23ish again. It's sooooooo worth it :)

  • pancakemix16
    pancakemix16 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm always looking for new motivated friends. Feel free to add me :)
  • hello_momo
    hello_momo Posts: 13 Member
    ditto! Turning the big 3-0 next month and that's what really kicked off my weight loss journey. i hope to reach 20 lbs. lost by my bday. :)
  • Thank you so much for the encouragement
  • Welcome, and good luck! This is the best site I've found to hold myself accountable to log my food choices and exercise. And it's free! I'm 54 and every pound lost is hard-fought. My metabolism and energy levels at age 30 made weight loss a lot easier than today. Good for you for you ladies who are starting young! I would encourage you to plan your meals and exercise goals the day before. Write them down, and stick to it! Find an accountability buddy, either here on-site or a friend, neighbor or co-worker who you can meet at the gym, or go for a walk. When you've made plans to meet someone, it's harder to talk yourself out of going! No matter how tired you feel, once you get your body moving, you will get that "second wind" of energy, and you will be glad you did! My daughter (super athlete) encouraged me to write down why I want to lose weight/get fit. Put YOUR personal reason on a sticky note or card. Tape it to your mirror, on your computer monitor, on the sun visor in your car, on the fridge, etc. These are some tips that helped me. :smile: You can do this!
  • Hello! Good luck to you in your journey. I've just embarked on my own journey - for the umpteenth time. I need to lose 80lbs by February 6th (My Mom has offered to pay me $500 as a reward). Also I will be turning 30 March 15th and I can only imagine what life would be like to be 80lbs smaller. Not to have aches and pains in my body from simply waking up, to be able to comfortable tie a shoe, to not feel self-conscious.... it's a hard battle but definitely one I'm willing to fight.
  • bmd1011
    bmd1011 Posts: 40 Member
    Welcome Marcelle (I hope I spelled that right). I am also turning 30 soon, and have quite a bit to lose (I am still trying to determine my actual goal weight). I'm going to send you a friend request :)