Running Alone



  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Hey, I just found something out. See the stars in my former comment? Yeah, apparently you aren't allowed to post the last name of "Great Expectations" author Charles (last name will be starred out) on this website. Go figure.

    Also the name of a large sporting goods chain. Who does not sell pepper spray in my area, I learned!
  • MarshallLuke
    MarshallLuke Posts: 177 Member
    Hey, I just found something out. See the stars in my former comment? Yeah, apparently you aren't allowed to post the last name of "Great Expectations" author Charles (last name will be starred out) on this website. Go figure.

    Also the name of a large sporting goods chain. Who does not sell pepper spray in my area, I learned!

    Ha! My non-internet-savvy aunt found out the hard way why you should not simply Google the name of that sporting goods store when looking for locations. :)
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    everybody needs a push

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Well. If someone comes chasing after you, consider it a challenge to run faster!


    Seriously, if you want to run, run. You said you live in a safe neighborhood. Just stay alert. If you really are worried, take self defense class first.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Basically your biggest dangers are cars and loose dogs. Bright, reflective clothing and pepper spray or an extendable baton are good ideas.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) reports that 6 in 10 rape or sexual assault victims said that they were assaulted by an intimate partner, relative, friend or acquaintance. A study of sexual victimization of college women showed that 9 out of 10 victims knew the person who sexually victimized them.

    Ladies. Stay away from people you know. You're safer outside running. Get started.

    Also this.

    I'm 42. I'm in WAY worse danger inside my house with somebody I know than on a lonesome trail at night, statistically speaking of course.
  • Luke_I_am_your_spotter
    Luke_I_am_your_spotter Posts: 4,179 Member
    just go with your gut. Personally, I run alone all the time. Everyone has a different comfort level.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Just go run. You're more likely to die in a car accident than to get assaulted running, and I don't see a bunch of posts from frantic drivers concerned about their morning commutes.

    I will never understand why women feel like bad guys want to have to work to catch them.
  • chaosrock
    chaosrock Posts: 13 Member
    If you can't find a buddy to run with, try to run during active hours of the day, bring your phone, bring pepper spray if you can. Avoid quiet/low traffic streets. Let people know when you're going on a run (you don't have to be dramatic or anything. Just post on Facebook something like "Time to run! Gonna hit up [neighborhood area]"). That way (god forbid) if something does happen, they know where you were last and it will greatly improve your chances of getting help.

    If you do find that someone is displaying suspicious behavior (following you on foot, or slowly in a vehicle) or if someone stops you to ask you something, make sure you stay in as public of an area as possible. Don't head home. Head to the nearest market or gas station. Don't assume anything, but also don't live in fear. In the event something has caused you to be afraid for your safety, go to a public place and call a friend to come pick you up.

    Other than that, you're probably fine. Happy trails!
  • tcamp02
    tcamp02 Posts: 61 Member
    I run alone all the time in the morning but I also know that in my neighborhood there are a lot of people out running, walking, etc. and I feel safe. I also use my iphone for music so I do have a phone with me in case of emergency but I've honestly never felt threatened at all.
  • DBoone85
    DBoone85 Posts: 916 Member
    I run 6 mornings a week. Mostly before daylight.. sometimes in my neighborhood, sometimes in local parks, sometimes on forest trails in state parks in my area. I run by myself. I run where there are other people, I run where I never see anyone. I have run past snakes, wild dogs, and actually been chased by coyotes, but I still run. You have to live your life, and do what you want to do. Do not let fear stop you from anything.
  • JGonzo82
    JGonzo82 Posts: 167 Member
    I typically run ~3:30 or 4:00 weekday mornings. It is VERY rare for me to see anyone else out on foot & on the odd occasions someone else IS out, they're normally either running/walking too, not smashin' bottles & raisin' hell in the streets. IMO most people who would seek to do you harm are not going to be out roaming the small, quiet, safe neighborhoods looking for trouble at that time of day. I'm far more concerned with vehicles; I have a hat that actually has built-in LED's (mine actually has 3 settings - 2 pairs of lights that can be turned on individually or at the same time). If you really are concerned about the possibility of people hurting you, get pepper spray (or if you really wanna get serious, a subcompact...).

    Edited: I have 2 (large) dogs but they are both too old for running (my girl can barely get up & down the stairs anymore)
  • Gholmar
    Gholmar Posts: 37
    “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear... And when it is gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear is gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” ~ Frank Herbert

    And if you're a woman out alone, a little fear might just keep you alive and intact. :)

    Not if you're a Bene Gesserit!
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Early AM runs you may want two in the front and one on the back

    LED lights which blink; good luck
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Just go run. You're more likely to die in a car accident than to get assaulted running, and I don't see a bunch of posts from frantic drivers concerned about their morning commutes.
    I will never understand why women feel like bad guys want to have to work to catch them.

    I was going to bold the part about concerned drivers but then decided the entire post was awesome. It is /end thread worthy.
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I prefer to run on my own, there is much more chance that I can keep up!
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    I typically run alone, often in the dark since it is so darn hot and humid here. I haven't had any problems, but my husband is always worried...that Road ID App on the iPhone is really nice, I start it and it sends him an email where he can track where I am. It also sends an alert if I don't move for 5 minutes (this is an option that can be turned off).

    I have never had a problem with people, only dogs and cars. Gotta watch out for those cars--most of the drivers I assume are 16 year olds who are texting and won't see me if I am glowing pink right in front of them.

    So far the worst that has happened to me is an overly friendly Labrador got away from his owner and the leash wrapped around my leg, giving me a rash burn around my leg. My friend however was running with her little dog and was attacked by 3 loose pit bulls.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Just go run. You're more likely to die in a car accident than to get assaulted running, and I don't see a bunch of posts from frantic drivers concerned about their morning commutes.
    I will never understand why women feel like bad guys want to have to work to catch them.

    I was going to bold the part about concerned drivers but then decided the entire post was awesome. It is /end thread worthy.

  • kaseyr1505
    kaseyr1505 Posts: 624 Member
    I run with a glo-belt almost every night. I prefer to run at night, it's relaxing and a lot cooler. I feel a lot freer, there are fewer people out, I can zone out. It's amazing.
  • d4rkkn16ht
    d4rkkn16ht Posts: 77 Member
    I want to start running my neighborhood before work but I'm afraid to be running by myself. Our neighborhood is small and safe but maybe I just need some re-assurance.
    I want to go before work so that would be like 5am. I think I'll just carry some pepper spray, that would make me feel safe. Guess I've seen too many crime shows :p Thanks everyone.
    3am - 7am has the lowest amount of crime. Most of those guys are asleep during those hours. Your biggest concern is traffic. Just make sure you wear something that lets drivers know you're there if you're on the road.

    Fear is only a signal that your brain use to remind you if you are in danger.
    Your response is all that matter.
    Fearing something that uncertain or unpredictable is unnecessary.
    Use fear to make you well prepare (to make it certain that you are SAFE) on how to face the danger.

    Prepare this before you run:
    1. Phone: Prepare some emergency numbers on your quick dial like 911, your spouse/friend, your parents.
    2. Wear something with bright color so everyone can spot you directly (or wear glowing accessories).
    3. Small flashlight so you can use it to check something in the darkness (only if needed).
    4. Pepper spray.
    5. Avoid using an earphone/headphone so you can hear your surroundings.
    6. Aware of your surroundings, always pay attention to potentially dangerous situations.
    (eg.: people arguing, people gathering, a zig-zag vehicle, alarm, screams, etc...)
    7. Contact a person (or 2) that you can trust & tell him/her/them where/when you are going. If possible give him/her/them your route.
    8. Learn martial art. A little self defense knowledge won't hurt. Try learning something practical that need less strength like jiujitsu or aikido.Other type of martial arts that applicable for street self defense will also work.

    Remember, Fear is a choice but danger is real.
    Be prepare is how you avoid danger & save your life, because you'll never know when or how it happens.

    Now GO RUN :drinker:

    In my neighborhood, 2 - 4 AM is when the burglars lurk.
    They broke into my Father-in-Law's house 4 times (only once succeeded because I was staying in his house guarding for the rest 3. He was on vacation those 4 times).
    I almost shot them the last attempt & they never came back....I hope :bigsmile: