Need 5K training advice

I have discovered that I really like the walk/jog workouts that I have been doing. I have had a long time dream of running a 5K. My birthday is Halloween of this year and low and behold...our small town has a 5K race scheduled on October 11. This will be my very special birthday present to myself. I know I can walk this as it is the same route my husband and I have walked already a few times. I have downloaded the C25K app for my phone. My question is this, on days that I am not doing the C25K training should I continue doing aerobics or do I need to add some strength training in there somewhere *especially for my legs*? I usually do a cardio workout 6 days a week and take Sunday off since we have 2 church services and that is a day for me to spend time with my grandchildren as well. Is it possible to still do the aerobics workouts on off days along with strength training? Any and all advice appreciated.


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Congrats on making a plan and a goal and taking steps to make it happen!

    You'll notice that the C25K app only has you running every other day. There is a reason for this. You need to let your body rest and heal between sessions. So it's okay to cross-train on the non-running days but make it something that's low impact like biking, swimming or walking. I actually highly endorse the strength training. Stronger thighs will help to stabilize your knees when you run. You may also want to work your upper body with weights since running doesn't really work your arms, etc. I personally have been running on Mon-Wed-Fri before work (it's too hot here now to run after work) and I lift weights on Tues-Thurs after work. I also run on Sunday mornings while my husband practices bowling. Saturday is usually a rest day.

    Be sure to follow the C25K plan and don't try to skip ahead. If your leg muscles start to bother you from overuse, give them the day off. If you start having any joint or shin pain you'll want to evaluate the shoes you're wearing or the surface you're running on. Most pain of that type is from overdoing it, not allowing rest time, inappropriate shoes or a running surface that is too hard.

    While actually doing the C25K workouts, go slow. No, slower than you think slow is. If you can't carry on a conversation while jogging, you are going too fast. Most of all have fun!
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    Thanks Sueinaz. I found some really good info about strength training for runners at a site called I'm still up for any advice anyone has. For now I think I will do the 4 exercises I found on the site, do the C25K 3 days a week and low impact aerobics the other 3 days with Sunday as my "rest" day.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Strength training and cross training can help with your running goals .... but a lot depends on your current fitness level, your nutrition, sleep amounts, etc. Strength training introduces an all new rest/recovery requirement for your body. Listen to your body and be careful with your cross training. If your goal is to complete C25K, make those workouts your priorities and remain willing to eliminate a cross training day or change your other exercises to stay on track with the walk/run progress. I've made the mistake of cross training too much and having it become counterproductive as it interfered with my primary training goal. Learn from my mistakes with the balancing act so you can do the 5k this October and then do it faster next year.

    If you do the mid-October run and enjoy it ... you can look around for ones closer to Halloween. There are quite a few themed runs around the holiday that combine costumes, fitness, and snacks. Some might even be grandkid friendly (depending on their ages) so you could combine family time and fitness.
  • warriorprincessdi
    warriorprincessdi Posts: 617 Member
    I do weights and c25k Mon, Wed, Friday.... Yoga and a walk on Tues, Thurs, and Saturday... I also go horseback riding on Saturday and then Sunday is rest day :)
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    When I started running, I would run 1 minute, walk for a few min, and repeat several times for about 45 minutes. Everyday I noticed I could run longer and walk less. I was able to run a full 5k (without stopping to walk) after about 2 months of training 3-4 days a week.
  • Muzica1959
    Muzica1959 Posts: 206 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the great advice.

    brianpperkins...great link. Thanks so much.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    I highly recommend yoga. All styles will help with flexibility, and if you do a power style yoga, you'll get some good all over strengthening, especially in your core (which is great for runners).
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 239 Member
    I do C25K 3x per week, two days of kettlebells, 2 days of yoga (KB and yoga on same days)...I also try to bike 2 -3 days per week and am riding my horses throughout, and often add another yoga-type workout. The cross training days-strength, non running cardio-need to be exercises that don't use all the same muscles as running. So far I find this to be balanced and complementary. I was careful though, not to blow out my legs on KB/yoga/strength the day or two before my longest run of that week and the sore legs would compromise the training run. I am now in my 8th week of C25k so it will be 28 minutes of jog/run all week, I am still careful to strengthen/stretch legs but not overdo as it kills the runs.