Anyone else with a healthy BMI wanting to lose weight?

My BMI is a little under 22 and I find that when I tell people that I want loose weight they think I'm crazy. Personally I've just always appreciated a slimmer physique but not sickly thin or anything. I have a small frame (I'm 1/2 chinese) even though I'm 5'8" and really want to see how I'd look at around 125lbs as I think that would be a good weight for me. My doctor has ok'd this weight loss. I've had some bouts of disordered eating in the past so I'm doing my best to be healthy but I've actually found that tracking my food on MFP helps with the general anxiety :)

Anyone else in a similar situation? I would love to find more MFP buddies in my position. Even if not, the more friends the merrier! The more support the better. <3


  • Menix8
    Menix8 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm in a somewhat similar situation. I'm 5'10, around 160 lbs and 22-23% body fat. I'd like to get down to 150 and see how I look, and potentially down to 145 . It's tough to lose weight when you're already at a healthy weight.