Eating above or below BMR?

Hi community,

I'm new to diet and weight loss. I'm trying to go from 194 to about 180. My BMR is about 1900.

I've been dieting for 9 days consuming about 1100-1300 calories/day. I lost 1lb in the first week working out 5 out of the 7 days.

My question for you experts is how many calories should I be consuming to lose the greatest amount of weight in the quickest and healthiest amount of time? I'd like to use 1.5-2lb a week if possible.

Thanks community!


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    19 years old. 15 lbs to lose?

    Please eat at least 1800 every day. If you're active and you're measuring everything accurately (with a digital scale) you should be pretty close to your 1.5 lbs. Though I'd prefer you eat more, please don't eat less than 1800 total.
  • Badsumbeech
    Badsumbeech Posts: 15 Member
    I appreciate the advice WBB55. I think I've been measuring calories pretty accurately for the most part, but I'm taking your recommendation in using a digital scale. I'm picking one up first thing tomorrow.