Having one of THOSE days......

Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support

The face sums it up.....one of those days where anything, everything and all things in between light your fuse :explode: . Mine started yesterday when I arrived at work and has only gotten worse in the last 24 hours. Realized I needed to calm down when I got asked, yet again, to move my vehicle :noway: . It is -20 deg C, takes time to get dressed, start and warm up the vehicle, move it and come inside, only to be asked again in 15 or 20 minutes to move it again. I stomped out to my truck, told them it was the last time I was moving it and stomped on the gas in reverse.....without checking my mirrors. The guy who came to tell me had walked behind my truck instead of in front of it, and while i didn't hit him, I am sure it looked like I was trying. I wasn't but can't believe I forgot to check that things were clear before I moved the vehicle. :embarassed: :frown:

Need sleep, caffeine and who knows what else to turn my mood around. Have you had a :mad: day lately???


  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
  • God yes, I've had plenty of those days! Just remember you're only human and sometimes people deserve to get bumped a little, JUST KIDDING. Hope the rest of your day is happy :bigsmile:
  • Michelle_J
    Michelle_J Posts: 362 Member
    Yes, i had one this week. I quickly forgot about it w/ a bottle of vodka. Not a suggestion, just how I dealt w/ my horrible day. New day starts tomorrow =]
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member

    That was great.....summed it up perfectly and put a smile on my face!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    Yes, i had one this week. I quickly forgot about it w/ a bottle of vodka. Not a suggestion, just how I dealt w/ my horrible day. New day starts tomorrow =]

    Was contemplating wine......but at work and no alcohol allowed, even though I have to be here for the next 2 weeks......ahhhhh!!!!
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    That was great.....summed it up perfectly and put a smile on my face!

    I'm glad you liked- I love her blog. She has a lot of good ones. Depending on your stamina at work, you might also enjoy this one:

    Warning hyperbole and a half blog posts may cause extreme fits of uncontrollable giggles in inappropriate situations and the urge to quote non-sense that no one else understands. Please read with extreme caution...or aforementioned wine.
  • Oh Yes, Ariel, and afterwards I wondered "Who was that mad woman who possessed my body and did those things?."
    We need to cut ourselves a bit of slack and forgive ourselves for being less than perfect we think we should be.
    We are on the great journey and some days we just cant avoid the " fresh tar" on the road.
    You are doing great. and I enjoy sharing in your success because it keeps me going too.
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