Calorie Counting Watch

I'm dead curious how many calories I am burning during my own work outs (rather than using the estimate on the site, it would prove more accurate to me, especially on saturdays when I do a number of gym classes and walk multiple hours completely wrecked)

I am wanting recommendations on a watch which can do that without the need of an actual HRM chest strap (bra straps are annoying enough when you're prancing about in zumba, body pump etc)


  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
    I don't know much about the watches, the only thing I can think of is a bodybugg. It goes around your arm. I think it goes off of body temp and various other things. I don't see how a watch can be accurate without knowing at least your heart rate. Just my opinion though :)
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Are you looking for soley a wrist watch, or would something like a Bodybugg with a watch display work for you?
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    The chest strap on a HRM isnt uncomfortable at all and its going to be more accurate
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    HRM - Polar. It's generally across the boards the highest recommended. Find the model that works best for you, but get a model that is coded so it does not pick up other watches at the gym. I have a F6, but if I had to do it over I would probably get the next one up with the more flexible chest strap. I actually cant usually feel mine at all in addition to my bra starp, but it's one of the few luxury items I got for myself in the last few years, and I might have splurged on myself a little more. The F9 is a little more complicated, it has a lap function and some other things I dont really need. I think there is something between the 6 and 9 too that sounds good.

    The bodybug seems interesting, but it was not scientific enough for me. Bodyfit seems AWESOME but I won't buy it PLUS pay for a subscription to access the information. The day they include software with a BodyFit I will buy one!

    Before buying, check Ebay and ask around to find if someone at your gym is a dealer and they might be able to get it at cost and save you $20-30.

    If you are going to get a watch, just for for the ones with the chest strap. the watches can tell you your HR (but you have to stop and put your fingers on the plates) but it won't give you a constant cal count or an accurate avg burn. It can only give you snapshots. You forget the strap is there (in everything but bow pose!) and it's way worth the additional accuracy.
  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
    Are you looking for soley a wrist watch, or would something like a Bodybugg with a watch display work for you?

    One thing I have noticed is my calorie burn from my HRM is WAY more than a machine info that it gives me. When I go to the gym I combine the two and divide by two. I use the average. If I don't have a machine I take about 200 calories just to make sure I'm not over guessing. But that is just what I do. I know everyone is different. :) Hope this helps. I'm not good at giving advice but there are a lot of people on here who have a lot of knowledge.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    I didnt know what a body bug is, but it looks like something that goes around your arm, i tried the arm thing with an mp3 player ages ago, i switched mp3 player cause i really hated the strap !

    Polar may be the best one, dispite a chest strap, i was hoping it would just be like a watch with nothing else since i figured it would be on a pulse point, rofl.

    Can you perhaps post links to the main page so i know exactly which ones I should be looking for?
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    It's just, but it looks like my version is outdated now, the F6 (though prob still avail on ebay etc. Mine I have used almost daily for 2 yrs and it's just 2/3 of a battery now, so probably another year before I have to send it in to get a new batters - they have to replace it to keep it waterproof). Do a search on these boards to for "polar" and you can read what other people say about theirs and what version they have.
  • 29bubbles
    29bubbles Posts: 126 Member
    I vote for a heart rate monitor as well. :> Got mine cheap via Black Friday sale last year or the year before that...just started using it in July...when I got serious about getting in shape..and it's great.

    PS: The chest straps aren't too bad ...I thought I'd hate it, but you forget it's there pretty quick. (and I have a cheap-y...and it's still comforatable.)