Edition for Windows said altthose

Edition for Windows said alt those early all additions client software I'll because hard domain this is a whittling you can turn on if you have like xp home edition you-know you can just Bible Nanak software apart me has to be businesses for this to work seriously real services if you have Server 2008 whether this going to work-standard Edition higher clio operating systems have to be business this to be a real pro %uh if you're looking to you max 22 domain max don't play well you know what outlet use it at Houston figured the next mayor up me so so just keepsake in mind the whole Windows to me the we're gonna have whole class my-space give you this fall use through seduction-the next week created is with is a software called Samthis 642-813is it open source Linux 0 furs I'll Windows domain controllers is completely open source it's completely free %ah again you haveto business class Windows of .