Working out with a bad back.

I am looking for activities to help keep me active while looking for a new job.

The problem is that I have a bad back so walking around is not that possible for me. I am trying to increase the amount of time I can walk and how far. Sadly I had to suspend my gym membership because of being unemployed.

I am sure I will find a job again soon so can people suggest that types of activities I can do to keep active that won’t cause back pain. I hope to return to the gym again once I found employment. Can people suggest ways to strengthen my back as well?


  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Is swimming an option?

    What kind of back pain are we talking about? General back pain, or anything diagnosed by a doctor? I would consult with your family doctor first if that's the case.

    If it's just your run of the mill back pain that most of us get, I would suggest strengthening the area and also the surrounding areas. I have issues with my back, also compressed a couple of disk in my vertebrae 4 years ago, which hasn't helped.

    You want to work on your whole trunk, as well as your hamstrings (tight and weak hamstrings can cause a lot of back pain), glutes and of course, back.

    Here are some daily things I do:

    Foam Roll
    Core exercises (planks, l-sits, vholds)
    Back exercises (superman's, cat and camel, quadruped arm/leg raises, cat stretch, etc...)
    Hams/glutes: Bridges, good mornings, wall sits, etc...)

    Also, some mobility work, like Agile 8 (is a popular one) will helps as well.

    This is in addition to my normally workout routine that includes alot of compound exercises.