What type of birth control will help me lose weight?



  • CMB1979
    CMB1979 Posts: 588 Member
    The kind that won't put a 8 lb bun in your oven.
  • eslcity
    eslcity Posts: 323 Member
    The birth control.... to help with my diet.... hmmmm.... should I wrap my food in a condom....?
  • TheLadyBane
    TheLadyBane Posts: 299 Member
    I know a lot of people who say they gained weight on Depo. I lost the majority of my weight while on Depo, but I am sure that had a lot to do with exercise (which helps curb my appetite and gives me room to eat more than if I wasn't working out) and logging my food. My doctor said that depo is a synthetic pregnancy hormone and does stimulate appetite in many people, which can lead to eating more than usual and gaining weight. I don't really know what other factors would come in to play as far as causing people to gain weight.
  • Chelseapretorius
    Chelseapretorius Posts: 24 Member
    Hey I dont know if this is any help but I have been on the Implanon for almost a year and have had no change in weight. Im not sure if its called the same thing in other countries but it's a little bar they inject into your arm. I am not able to take any form of the pill and since coming off it I would never look back. I have seriously have zero bad things happen to me on it and you only have to get it changed every 3 years which is all painless.
  • Jodsmission
    Jodsmission Posts: 130 Member
    Ehhhh Depo was a nightmare for me. I read all of the horror stories and said "that wont happen to me" and I think after the 3rd shot...I had like absolute worst-case scenario with depo. Wont go into detail, as there is plenty of reviews if you just google Depo-Provera.

    NO DEPO!!!! Nasty stuff!
  • lmr0528
    lmr0528 Posts: 427 Member
    I was on Sprintec for about 5 years, gained about 10-15 pounds. For 2 of those years I was active on here with logging and working out everyday and never could lose anything. 2 months ago I went off my BC, so I'm hoping now it will be a little easier to lose weight.
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    A condom.
  • fatandfrustrated
    Thank you to those that actually answered my question... to clarify:

    1. I know birth control isn't going tomake me lose weight, but I want something that won't make losing weight impossible (like the Depo I've been on for three years).
    2. I'm positive I'm not over eating. I can barely eat anything, because I'm pretty sure if I ate a slice of pizza I'd gain 5lbs instantly. Like I said, I have lost 15lbs but now I've hit a plateau. But yes, I do attribute over eating to my weight gain in the first place because I have an insatiable appetite on Depo that I've had to learn to control.
    3. I do use condoms; I need birth control to control my periods.

    That being said, it sounds like the pill (not Yaz) or maybe Implanon is my best option? I've considered ParaGard, but I've heard it makes your periods 10x worse.

    What do you ladies think of these options?
  • fatandfrustrated
    Ehhhh Depo was a nightmare for me. I read all of the horror stories and said "that wont happen to me" and I think after the 3rd shot...I had like absolute worst-case scenario with depo. Wont go into detail, as there is plenty of reviews if you just google Depo-Provera.

    Anyway, I went with a copper IUD. I love it - reliable, hormone free and I only worry about it once every 5 years.
    I have heard some people prefer the Hormone IUD Mirena (?) I know the hormone in that particular IUD was the exact hormone in the Depo...which immediately turned me off from it. But for others, it works a lot better than Depo since it is isolated within the uterus and does not go all over your body like depo shots.

    Has ParaGard affected your periods? I've heard enough horror stories about Mirena to make me want to stay away from it.
  • dragonflyjill
    dragonflyjill Posts: 94 Member
    A young friend of mine is on "Alesse". She dropped 15 pounds fairly quickly when she started taking it. The nurse at the youth clinic said that 1/3 of people gain weight on it, 1/3 lose and 1/3 stay the same. I think it is just about how it happens to interact with your body.

    And yeah, dudes, this is a real thing. Although I am usually in the calorie deficit camp, I have seen this with my own eyes.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Different people react to different contraceptives in different ways. It's way too broad. Take me for example: I'm on depo provera, and while it didn't directly cause my weight gain, it did increase my appetite for a bit. However, by staying in a calorie deficit I was able to lose the weight and then some. So what you're asking will vary widely.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I take Ortho-Cyclen (because I have PCOS and I have to take bc pills) and I've lost 100 lbs while on it. I think everyone's body is different, really. No one pill will work the same for everyone.

    I take this brand as well (because I don't want kids) and it hasn't had any affect on my weight loss either.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member

    What do you ladies think of these options?

    I think that everyone's answer is going to vary because we're all different and no one's body is the same. My advice is talk with your doctor and try a brand you feel might be good for you and see how it goes. I've tried so many different kinds of b/c pills over the years (I'm 33 years old now so...) and it really has been trial and error for me. I'm happy with Ortho-Cyclen but there's others who might say it didn't work well for them. Really, you have to find what works for you!
  • sofiachohdary
    Thank you to those that actually answered my question... to clarify:

    1. I know birth control isn't going tomake me lose weight, but I want something that won't make losing weight impossible (like the Depo I've been on for three years).
    2. I'm positive I'm not over eating. I can barely eat anything, because I'm pretty sure if I ate a slice of pizza I'd gain 5lbs instantly. Like I said, I have lost 15lbs but now I've hit a plateau. But yes, I do attribute over eating to my weight gain in the first place because I have an insatiable appetite on Depo that I've had to learn to control.
    3. I do use condoms; I need birth control to control my periods.

    That being said, it sounds like the pill (not Yaz) or maybe Implanon is my best option? I've considered ParaGard, but I've heard it makes your periods 10x worse.

    What do you ladies think of these options?

    For controlling/fixing irregular periods, check my reply to this post: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1320298-pcos-thyroid-issues-hard-time-losing-weight

    EDIT: To answer your last question: Yes, I have tried ParaGard. Without it I'm already heavy and goes on for 8 days. With the ParaGard it goes for minimum 2 weeks, and it caused me severe anemia from the over-bleeding to the point I had to remove it. Copper IUD is good if your periods are too light and don't feel pain at all, then the increase in menstrual cramps and bleeding shouldn' be too bad.
  • marshallshade
    I have a pharm degree and honestly, most of these pills are exactly the same, its just each manf. will put a different name on their generic. Most patients notice a drop in the first few months of taking Yasmin (Zahara, Ocella) because this particular bc contains a diuretic to help females with the bloating...therefore, losing water weight. This is one of the meds mentioned in the lawsuits, so its a personal choice, and everything will work differently for everyone. I have personally taken this without any complaints, but I also have had no weight/water loss either!
  • black_cats
    black_cats Posts: 29 Member
    I gained 40kg during the time I was on implanon (though there was other things that also contributed to this) so YMMV

    I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS and my doctor reccomended I try a pill called Zoely which is similar to Yaz but the two hormones are slightly different and closer to the natural ones your body produces (or in my case isn't producing)
    It's supposed to be a BCP that does not increase appetite - apparently people have shown weight loss on it.
    It's also good for those with hormonal acne.

    One downside is that it's not a PBS Script (in australia that is) and is quite expensive, that seems to be the case in other countries from what I've seen online too
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    Love all the comments from the shirtless men lol.

    OP: hormonal BC has very individual side effects. What makes one woman gain and develop acne may make it easier for another to lose.
    Can you switch to something without systemic hormones? Perhaps a copper IUD? A diaphragm perhaps? Removing artificial hormones from the equations seems like the best answer.

    and: not the mirena. Don't believe the docs when they say it has only localized effects.

    ETA: I see you've said you need it for controlling periods. I'd say you'll be dealing with the potential side effects of systemic synthetic hormones. Sorry about that. That's no fun.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    There are two types of hormones used in BC: estrogen and progesterone. So saying "it has the exact same hormones as Depo" for a reason to not use a BC is kind of silly. The dosages are different, but most all BC are a combination of those two hormones. You do have a few that are estrogen only or progesterone only.

    The copper IUD has a listed side effect of heavy periods and break through bleeding, so take that into consideration. It is not used to control periods as it contains no hormones.

    I have a Mirena and have no issues with it affecting my weight.

    The hormones do not "make you gain weight", but they can make it more difficult to control your appetite and cause you to be hungry enough to eat too much. My doctor refuses to give Depo as that one is well documented to increase hunger and as a result, make women gain weight.
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    Can't wait until they develop male BC so they can experience the joys :laugh:
    Why not go back to the pill that you had success on before?
  • GreyGal
    GreyGal Posts: 11 Member
    I also have to take a BC to help with PCOS. I have been on Depo for several years and it is the only one I have found to actually take care of the PCOS symptoms I had. I have had NO weight gain, NO increase in appetite, and most importantly, no side effects other than not having a period.
    I know other women who cannot take Depo, and it messes with their body big time. You are going to have to talk with your doctor and figure out which one will work. It will be trial and error. I was on 7 different ones before I settled on Depo. Every woman is different and will react to different meds.
    It is a pain in the butt... but when you find the right one you will be very happy.

    Also... I have been told that they will not consider an IUD of any type if the woman has never had a child. So that leaves me and many others out.