heart rate monitor?

Can anyone recommend me a good heart rate monitor? I just need one where I can wear all day to tell me how many calories I burn doing my normal routine and when I work out :flowerforyou:


  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
    I have a Timex Heart Rate Monitor T5G981. Which I love, but after about 2-3 hours it does get a bit uncomfortable so I don't know how comfortable that would be.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Most HRMs are not made for all day wear. best for all day is a bodybugg or a BODYFIT. The BodyFit requires a subscription, but if you have $7 - 10 a month to spare it looks really really cool. (it even tells you how efficiently you sleep. I always wonder just how many times i actually wake up - it's at least in the 10 times range).

    The HRM i have though and love is a Polar F6. I don't often wear it for super long periods of time, but I have used it before for housework for an hour or so, at the gym, playing outside with my son etc. But it's not made for 8 or 10 or 12 or 24 hour use and might lose some accuracy.

    Wearing it from time to time though doing things like housework have given me an idea of what I burn and sometimes I dont need to wear it because i know what I will burn based on prior times.

    It did help me understand just how much I burn over the course of a day but a body fit or even bodybugg (their science did not impress me as much) are better for all day pictures.
  • WonderNoodle
    i agree with mjt....the fit and bugg both require a monthly subscription and are pricey to purchase, but if it's important to you....i have a girlfriend that loves her bugg and of course that is what they wear on biggest loser.

    i just recently purchased a polar ft4. i wanted something to tell me my calorie burn, time spent, heart rate for workouts but couldn't afford all the bells and whistles. let me just say....I LOVE IT! during workout i can look down and see in large display my heartrate. after it tells me time spent, calories burned, avg heart rate, max heart rate, and how long spent in the target zone. you program your weight, height, sex, etc. so it can calculate accurately.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I have a bodybugg and I LOVE it. It's kind of pricey and you need the 9.95 subscription each month, but it's totally worth it if you can afford it (for me, anyway). It's what's gotten me to where I am today though and I'm so glad I got it. Every day is different, even if I do the same thing for the most part, so it's nice to know more precisely where I really am and how well I've done for the week. I really want to get the new one cuz it's so much prettier than mine (mine is the older style). Anyway - this will give you an all-day view of what you really burn - I don't think the heart rate monitor is made for that.