Will increasing my calories show results?

Hey everyone, I'm just another neophyte trying to embark on the journey of weight loss. My goal weight is 110lbs (50.3kg), and I'm currently 141.75lbs (64.3kg). I joined myfitness pal yesterday. I'm 5ft 4.75, or 164.5cm.
Basically, I started out with my gym membership, doing insane four hour intense workouts in the gym twice, and a two hour workout once in the week. By intense, I mean running at 5.28mph for 50 minutes, and doing step ups for 30 minutes. I managed to lose 6.6lbs in a week. I had done so much exercise, I injured my legs, leaving me unable to workout for a couple weeks and in this time I put on weight. After moving to a new area, I forgot about dieting and embarked on eating so much rubbish, pushing me to 148lbs (67.3kg).
I decided that I would go back to dieting, and set myself a target to lose 10kg in 10 weeks, if I just lost 2.2lbs a week. I went to a new gym, burnt around 600 calories per session, did that three times a week, ate filling salads, and I lost 2.83lbs. Unfortunately, I made some poor food choices, like eating too much cheese, or eating cake, and I put on weight, then lost it, then put it on. 8 weeks in, I have only lost 5.06lbs.
So, I decided that I would need to increase my exercise and eat clean to lose more weight. I was netting at 700 calories a day, eating barely if no carbohydrates, working out for two hours twenty minutes burning 1000 calories, I did this three days in a row, plus I did my typical 600 calorie workout twice . I only lost 0.44lbs that week.
So, I decided that maybe the problem was that I wasn't eating enough food. I pushed up what I'm eating to 1200 calories, and yesterday introduced carbs back into my diet. I went a little over by 50 calories, you can all see my food diary. And, today I'm going on holiday for a week, so I won't really be able to track calories as well or work out. My TDEE is 2294.

I've got 5 weeks until I go back to school, and I want to try and lose that 2.83lbs(1.3kg) a week, putting me down 14 lbs. Will eating more, and still exercising quite frequently, solve my problem?


  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I'm sorry but you are going around this totally the wrong way. For starters your goal weight will put your BMI just above 18. Below 18 is considered underweight. Just because the BMI scale goes from 18 to 25 does not mean you should aim for 18. In fact for the majority of people 18 would be pretty unhealthy

    Also you need some Patience the weight will not come off as quick as you want it. In fact with the amount you need to lost you should be looking at around a maximum of 1 pound a week. You need to accept this. Also you seem to have this idea there are bad foods. Food is neither good nor bad. The idea is not to deprive yourself but to find a way to eat that you can take over when you have reached a healthier weight. You could be eating a lot more food.

    Follow the link below and it will show you how to lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way. The second link gives tips on making sure you are logging accurately which a lot of people fall down on. Good luck

