She has no right...

I still live with my parents 'cause I'm in high school, and My mother always wants me to eat more.
She gets upset when I eat a normal, healthy meal without enormous portions.
And on wednesday, she ate 6 Krispy Kreme donuts. SIX!
Like, wow, this is someone I should be taking advice from. That's my entire calorie intake for a day.
My parents can worry about what I eat if I skip meals, binge, or make myself throw up, but being a vegetarian, eating healthy foods and portions, and exercising? They need to just leave me alone.
Anyone else have similar experience?


  • mynameisdumbnuts
    If your parents don't know what a healthy diet is, they might be concerned you're not getting enough nourishment. If their idea of a meal is 1 pound of pasta and yours is less, all they see is you underreating, not them overeating.

    The only way to get them to change their mind-set is through education. If they aren't interested, there's nothing you can do. Just point out you're trying to eat healthier now and your food is adequate for your goals. Don't lecture them about their eating habits, don't even broach the subject unless you feel they are amenable.

    Of course, your parents might be aware of their unhealthy eating habits and feel threatened by your endeavours. We all know it's easy to give in and eat doughnuts and say, "I couldn't help it!" You're proof that they can help it if they try. If they are pushing more food on you, it might be an attempt to draw you back into the old, comfortable ways.
  • lordofultima
    Family and friends tend to do this because they simply do not understand what a correct portion of food is, and that eating healthy does not mean starving yourself by any means.They're just poisoned by media.
  • sallyLunn
    She may feel threatened by your eating habits. That's no reason for you to cave. Best of luck.
    CHANGES4ME Posts: 132 Member
    i do, but he aint my sorry. my bf is a lg man, we go 2 the gym, he does it 4 fun. me? i am a fitness addict.... i want 2 lose so bad, it aint funny..... we had meat loaf, mashed potatoes, & golden hominy 4 dinner the other nite.. my meat loaf was made with turkey meat. my mashed potatoes was measured out.... he sat there, ate a huge plate, & usually; with most meals, he had 2nds.....i can barely finish what i got.... he likes his pizza, candy etc... i did; but dont eat that junk much any more..... i dont believe in diets, but i do watch what i eat, & how much.... u hang in there, if your mom wants that kinda junk; u can try 2 talk her out of it, but u gotta eat whats rite 4 u...... he dont push me, & i aint gonna momma him....:wink:
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    I know I am not the only one who feels this way: I am 49 yrs old. Grown woman. Adult. Mature. Yet, when I'm with my parents, I feel like I am 5 yrs old again. :indifferent: My Mom to me: "You don't need to lose weight; you look pale." :huh: *sigh*Just do the best you can. :ohwell:
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Talk to your doctor about your weight loss plan and diet. If your doctor oks it, tell your parents that you're eating according to the plan you and Dr. LastName decided on. If they still have a problem with your eating habits, you can always bring them with you to an appointment and have the doctor talk to them in person.

    My mom is always, always going to tell me that I'm beautiful no matter what, and that I don't need to lose weight because I look fine. She's being kind, but I know that I need to get healthy. Listen to your own instincts, but be sure to check with someone (doctor or nutritionist) to make sure you're doing everything in a healthy way.
  • lordofultima
    My mother tells me I'll disappear if I drop below 160 lbs, yet I still have fat all around my midsection and 15% bodyfat. I then tell her it takes many years to build considerable muscle mass, so before that happens my weight is going to be below 160, and she'll have to deal with it. lol
  • reginabroyles
    Maybe you should show your mom this website and tell her that your are trying to be healthy. Or you could print her off some stuff to read about how many calories you should have and an example of how many are in a few things, such as donoughts, 6 of them even!
    SOme people just refuse to look at things. Good luck!
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    My mom was concerned when I started this, but after showing her the site and explaining it to her, she has joined with me and has lost 20 pounds since August. I have friends that were the same way, and they either accept the new me, or I ask them to not bring it up. Good luck!
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Talk to your doctor about your weight loss plan and diet. If your doctor oks it, tell your parents that you're eating according to the plan you and Dr. LastName decided on. If they still have a problem with your eating habits, you can always bring them with you to an appointment and have the doctor talk to them in person.

    My mom is always, always going to tell me that I'm beautiful no matter what, and that I don't need to lose weight because I look fine. She's being kind, but I know that I need to get healthy. Listen to your own instincts, but be sure to check with someone (doctor or nutritionist) to make sure you're doing everything in a healthy way.

    This is pretty much what I was going to suggest. If they don't wanna listen to you, then let the professionals tell them.
  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    Sorry to hear that, but i totally understand what you mean, i went through the same thing with my parents. My parents have the concept of "eating everything in your plate" no matter how ridiculously massive the portion is, and i ended up being a chubby teenager. Lecturing them on healthy eating might not be the best approach as you don't want them to feel their 18 yearold is telling them how to eat. Explain your reasoning each time she forces more food on you. Be firm, but not apologetic or overly defensive, be civil about it (yelling wouldn't help, tried it lol). Soon when you go off to college you'll have more freedom. ;)
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    Mums will always worry about there children even if there 29yrs old, i know mine does. my mum always made us healthy food as kids & i am trying hard to to give my children healthy meals.
    I do agree that speaking to your doctor & then taking your mum with u to the next appointment so she can her what they have to say but then air her concerns if she has any after should help.
  • shannonichole
    I had a parent who would feed us ice cream for dinner (in massive quantities too) and diet pills for lunch. When I became vegetarian at 14 I had to listen to non-stop teasing about being a weirdo from my family. But now I am 24 and I am watching them all get diagnosed with diabetes and heart disease. I may be chunky, but at least I am healthy.

    Can you have your doctor talk to your parents? Maybe show them that you are eating a healthy amount of calories and getting enough exercise. I know what it is like to be pressured into eating unhealthy portions and unhealthy foods. It's really hard to stand up for yourself and let people know you want to live an "alternative (yet be it, responsible)" lifestyle. I proud of you! :flowerforyou: