Student diet

Hey everyone, new here :)
23 year old student , trying to get healthy and get on the right track before I finish uni and get healthy lifestyle habits, looking for some advice and motivation for the long run :)


  • Valoween
    Valoween Posts: 4 Member
    Hello, I'm in a similar situation, minus the Uni part. I'm trying to not look at it as a diet, and more of a lifestyle change. It seems easier to process and manage that way.
  • Yeah, I think that's the first serious step (I sure hope so)
    My biggerst fear is that I'm finishing my uni this time next year and getting out in the working world and not being fit and full of energy as I'm not right now, I think that would drag me down completely. :|

    Also, my hobbies are kind of against me , I love movies, books, video games and baking so that will also be a big change for me.
    If anyone has some suggestions how to incorporate some new healthy habits in that kind of a lifestyle or some healthy recipes that would be awesome :)