To Log or NOT to Log...on Thanksgiving day...



  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    i'm going to log because i am one of those people who don't actually like Thanksgiving meals. shoot me, i know! i only eat the turkey and mashed potatoes and the pumpkin pie. i am planning on eating a normal breakfast and a tiny lunch since we are going to be eating at 2pm.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    I WILL log as well... i plan on getting in a good run that morning (no local 5ks to enter... bummer!) and will be sensible about what i eat. I am pretty much sure that i will be over by the end of the day. BUT i am going to log it anyways. I have learned thru personal experience that if i give myself a "free pass" for the day, it ALWAYS turns into multiple days of struggling to get back on the horse. I am REALLY not looking forward to another slump, so just gonna work on keepin' it real and sticking to what is important to me (which ISNT food!!)
  • Bighank7752
    Always log. Never think that you should only log on good days. Logging makes you accountable to yourself.
  • Sharont213
    Sharont213 Posts: 323 Member
    Logging for sure..since I am cooking, I will nutrional analysis for almost everything and the ones I don't, I will use best judgement.
    MISTTIMG Posts: 136
    Gosh, I don't know.. I mean I left MFP for a while and come back with an extra 10 pounds. I need to loose That before I even get to my ticker goal. So I would say I need to log everything, maybe concentrate on the turkey/veggies/ and maybe a yam for desert.
  • HerbieSue
    Always log. Never think that you should only log on good days. Logging makes you accountable to yourself.

    I soooo agree! I would totally "underestimate" the calories if I didn't log it. That way you may not want the pumpkin pie AND the mashed potatoes, but choose one. I will definitely pass on the high calorie foods, "even if it's a holiday!!" My husband and I are meeting our girls in Austin, Texas and will be eating out at a restaurant. I KNOW I can eat healthy, and I WILL..."even if it's a holiday!" For me it's more about being with my family this year and I won't be concentrating on the food we're eating and won't be mad at myself the next day for adding back pounds I worked so hard to get off!
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm definitely logging it in! I can "cheat" a bit (if I feel like it) or not, but I do need to hold myself accountable. And deal with whatever "cheating" I let myself do.....If I don't log in the calories I won't have a clue how much I went over, or how well I ate.

    I am also planning on continuing with my early morning routine (90 minutes of circuit training and yoga) and taking our annual family walk in the afternoon.

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  • DiscoveringDena
    I do plan on logging my food for the day, to the best of my knowledge. It is harder when others prepare the food, but I will guesstimate on the high side. I will have portion control though and not have seconds. We are doing lunch, so for dinner I'll just be having salad.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    Lucky for me I am cooking and my kitchen is too small for helpers. Won't be logging but have a killer menu of low cal/low fat/low sugar recipes at the ready!
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member

    So when it comes down to it, I say, eat as best you can, log it at night. Don't stress about it all day, but be reasonable and eat things in moderation. But seeing those numbers are really good so that you are aware of what you ate and how easily things can get out of hand! lol

    This is what I will do. I want to be aware of what I eat so that it is MY choice, not an unconscious reaction to what is placed within reach. Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries - they are so numerous that I want to know what damage (if any) I'm doing to my goals. Later, I look back at what I ate and decide what changes I'll make the next time. This has really helped me make changes for life.
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    I'll log. And I won't exercise for 4 hours to try to "make it up" either. It's good to see in numbers what I used to eat on much too regular a basis. Now it looks so ridiculous that I would ever eat that much everyday, but that's why I was 60 pounds overweight.
  • monoxidechick
    I will log and be as close to exact as I can. I will have smaller portions of everything that I want, and will not go back for seconds. There is no point to leave this day out of my new plan for my life, if it is going to be the new way to live, I have to know how these special days really fit in and impact the progress. As a vegetarian, I usually load up on the healthier choices and leave out the turnkey, stuffing, and gravy anyway, so Im not too worried. I will just have to try and eat a SMALL portion of mashed potatos!!
  • 1fitmama
    1fitmama Posts: 207 Member
    I'm not going to log my calories that day. Enjoy the yummy food, focus on bigger portions of healthier food and smaller ones of the not so healthy food.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I'll log. I'm doing a 5-mile turkey trot that morning and pretty much already know what I'm going to be eating (the parents are coming into town and we'll be eating at the same place as last year...and I probably WON'T be having turkey and all the junk that usually goes with it (sorry...I'm SOOOOO over turkey and dressing. BLECH!)). I also allow myself a day a week when I'm over. So far it's worked for me - I've lost every week!

    I *am* going to do me weigh-in on Thursday though rather than Friday. Mainly because I'm not hauling my scale to the hotel where we're staying in Manhattan.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    One of my strategies is to limit myself to two bites of the things I know will contribute to weight gain. Each serving of the high calorie foods will be no bigger than a ping pong ball. That way I get a few bites of everything I want and I will fill up my plate with the healthier stuff, turkey, veggies, proteins. Then log it all.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    So many awesome answers...I don't think there is a right or wrong answer either. I think many people, if its their first Thanksgiving with their new lifestyle will be surprised when their body actually stops THEM from eating. Thats how it was for me last year! I had JUST started counting calories ten days before Turkey day (smart right?) and already there was a difference in what I wanted to put in my mouth!

    This year I will most likely log, just like last year. I have the added benefit of having an Aunt with several of the same autoimmune issues as me. I only say added because then my Uncle cooks some foods healthy for her and for me! So boo yah! I'm also bringing my own healthy dessert as an option just so I won't get tempted by other things!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I'm logging in. In fact, I've already logged in most of my food for the day on Thursday. I just didn't want to get busy cooking and forget!
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I decided to log. I wasn't going to, but since the last few pounds are the hardest to get rid of. I am being super strict lately. I already filled out my log for Thanksgiving. So happy! I am able to eat everything I am making, even pumpkin pie! And I have food throughout the day, and some leftover calories. It's all about portion control. ;)
  • patsaffo
    I logged - and I went somewhere for dinner where there was nothing healthy. But whatever - it was about 1500 calories including the wine and the 1/2 piece of pie. Way too much, but it does not mean that all is lost - just back on the plan immediately. I wish I would have skipped the candied yams and pie, but I didn't, so I will deal with it.
  • srcurran
    srcurran Posts: 208 Member
    I enjoyed eating today and didn't go TOO much overboard. Will be back on track tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good day!