Oops! I don't weigh enough.



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Exercise a bit less, eat a bit more...
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    You are bang in the middle of healthy BMI (21.1, range 18.5-25) so I wouldn't get yourself too worried about it just now (worrying might make you feel unable to eat!) but I agree if you keep losing this could be detrimental.
    I'm afraid it's simply eat more and/or exercise less - is there anything you could cut out of your exercise routine? And how about trying gradually increading portion sizes of what you currently eat, focusing on the higher kcal foods, to gradually get used to it?
    good luck!
    :) xx

    The middle of the BMI range is not healthy for everyone, depending on frame size. If her doctor has told her to gain more weight, then maybe she needs to be at the high end of the BMI range. People's frame size varies (i.e. width of shoulders, rib cage, pelvis) and this affects where you should be within the BMI range. The middle is only ideal for people with average frame sizes. Small framed people should be at the low end of the range and large framed people should be at the high end of the range.

    And older people tend to be ok at the lower range of bmi given differences in body comp :)

    her doctor told her to gain weight

    "tend to be okay" - not necessarily. Being underweight as you age can have health consequences and should not just be regarded as normal for old age. People do tend to lose lean mass as they age - and protecting that lean mass, i.e. not losing it, helps protect against a number of age related problems. And underweight depends on her frame size - BMI is just a ball park figure based on averages, not everyone is average. So I think she should trust what her doctor says is underweight for her, rather than looking at a BMI chart.

    Her doctor did not tell her to gain weight. At least, OP never said that he/she did.

    Based on the post, it's OP's opinion that she would be healthier with more weight on her. No reason to doubt her opinion, but it is not the same as if her doctor had told her she is underweight.
  • tsimblist
    tsimblist Posts: 206 Member
    I do 3x a week Body Pump and a Free Weight class of an hour each.

    Good idea the olive oil. I don't use enough oil. Tend to use just vinegar or fat free dressing.

    Yes, too much cardio, esp. with the Zumba training added in.

    Don't like Quest, but I eat Simply Protein bars, even though they have chocolate in them.

    So. not for nothing- but you aren't doing any strength training- you're right when you say lots of cardio.

    Get thee to the weight room- and lift some weights. If' it's a "class" odds are it's more cardio than weights- there should be RESTS- you should not be huffing and puffing and going "great burn" You'll sweat yes- but you don't want to be dripping sweat and huffing.

    more weight training and find the highest calorie type foods you can consume.... then eat more of them.

    Pay attention to the above advice.

    Google "sarcopenia" to find out why.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    On adding pasta in meals (and since you probably can't have sauce), maybe throw some in a salad? For example, I had a regular salad for lunch, but instead of using fried noodles, I threw in 40g of cooked alphabet pasta for bulk.

    I don't have any other suggestions because my go-to foods for gaining are on your do not eat list.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    No chocolate ... I would change doctors.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    No chocolate ... I would change doctors.

    My opinion exactly. ;-)

    As for adding straight out strength training, that's probably a good idea. I tend to go to only classes because I don't particularly like exercising alone, but the three strength training classes I take a week are definitely cardio-oriented. Maybe I'll work with a trainer for a while so I can ease into the working by myself mode a bit more easily.

    I had a nutritionist a few years ago who told me to stop doing so much cardio and increase weight stuff as I got to my original goal. Also, with the Zumba training, even though it's Zumba Gold and Zumba in Chairs, it's stil pretty rigourous, in sptie of what people think. And it has the added energy outgo of being the instructor, not just taking the class.

    My sister-in-law is a clinical nurse and we had a discussion about a study she read that indicated longevity was greater in people who had a bit of "meat" on their bones, in addition to doing regular exercise. Yeah, my doctcor didn't tell me to gain weight. And I haven't weighed this little since high school (yay). I am pretty health for my age in spite of the recent weight drop. My body fat with calipers is 19.6%, withi is just dipping into the athletic range. I could probably stay there with some strength training. I've gained some muscle from the Body Pump classes in spite of the cardio and I lost my "saddle bags," which is good ;-)

    Hopefully, I will eventually be able to add some of those foods back, too. I'm going to google "sarcopenia" Haven't the vaguest idea what that is.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Put it to you this way ... it is hard to gain weight in a good way, but it can be done.

    I was very skinny not that long ago and desperate .. and I am finally putting on weight and had to resort to chocolate and ice cream binges. No joke .. it was insane. Like 2000 cal per day binges of that stuff ... and yet I only gained 8 lbs.

    But honestly I look way better now .. with more fat. I am still very fit and healthy as it was only for a short time, but it kinda worked.

    I still do struggle eating enough calories not to lose weight .. annoying as *****. I just eat how much I want now but healthy and I am just fine. I lost a lot of fat .. and gained muscle along the way in my deficit phase, so it is hard not to lose. But I am learning how to just eat more .. ;-)

    Re strength training ... I have done it for the past 10 months or so and it has done amazing things. I recommend doing it for anyone.
    RUNNING_AMOK_1958 Posts: 268 Member
    I retired a couple of weeks ago and found that I have the time to train daily now. I quickly realized that I needed to start eating back all my exercise calories to maintain my goal weight. I now eat 1900-2400 depending on my workouts. It felt strange to eat that much, but I feel awesome and haven't gained a pound.
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    I too struggle with reflux, and I gotta keep my fat low and my portions small to prevent pain. I have my macros custom set to 60/20/20.

    I am in maintenance, and still losing weight, so I have decided to add a glass of 1% milk to my meals, and a 1/4 cup of homemade trail mix to my breakfast. I use white rice/bread/pasta/corn and potatoes to flesh out meals.

    I am also having a 5oz glass of cheap boxed white wine a few times a week, but I stay away from red wine like the plague.

    I still eat tomatoes, and citrus, but its a portion control issue for me. A little is fine, alot is not.

    try to eat a snack between lunch and dinner, and a light dessert. I highly recommend trail mix, and lowfat milk/yogurt to up calories a bit.