I have a question about working out.

So, I've been wondering. Every day I do situps, squats, crunches, pushups, and then run for x amount of time

Every day I increase the amount by a little bit every day and push myself to finish most of it. Then when I go to bed I can feel that I worked out and think ill be sore in the morning. However I'm not.

My job has me sitting down a lot, not a lot of movement for the most part, maybe climbing a 20 foot ladder every now and then, and walking, crawling, crouching for a few minutes every week or so. And when I get back to the hotel I stay at, I start the workout all over again.

My question, should I have rest days even though im not fatigued at all?

For my workout, I add an additional 3-4 pushups, 10 situps, 10 squats, and sometimes add 1 or 2 crunches every day. And every week I've been adding 5 minutes to the run. Which, I run on 0 incline for 1 minute, and walk on 5-10 incline for a minute and repeat on a treadmill.

Any advice would help.

Edit: oh yeah, I've been doing this for going on my 3rd week straight.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Squats and pushups are strength exercises. In general, it is best to go 48-72 hours between strength training sessions. I would put a day of rest between them. By the way, how many are you doing? Are you doing them in sets? I'm trying to get a better idea of your workout.

    This is a good full body bodyweight (strength training) workout that you can do in a hotel room: http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/ . And if that's too easy, you can work on all or part of this one: http://www.startbodyweight.com/p/start-bodyweight-basic-routine.html .
  • rjpflug
    rjpflug Posts: 4
    I started out using this app that increases the amount every time. Ive been doing a set of a few, rest until it says I needa stop slacking off. And get back to it.

    This week ive gone from 106 situps to 143 increasing a few every day, Squats I'm up to 77, Pushups 51.

    So I should rest the strength training, but should I rest the Running also, even if by the time I'm back at the hotel I feel ready to do it again?
  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    Like said above, you need to take time off to let your muscles heal between lifting sessions. Cardio like running, jumping jacks, elliptical etc. can be done on consecutive days if you feel up to it but make sure you mix it up cuz your body will get used to certain cardio exercises the same way it'll get used to doing the same lifts every day and you'll plateau
  • rjpflug
    rjpflug Posts: 4
    Does adding time/increasing the hill mix it up enough? Usually I increase the speed and duration of the run.

    I was mainly curious cause a pal of mine said I should take a day inbeteen running because it cam be bad. But I don't ache or anything, in fact I find out I can actually push a little harder and go a little further every day.