Mom of 3 trying to lose baby weight

Hello! I'm new here. 11 months ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I gained 50lbs during my pregnancy and quickly dropped 35lbs within the first 6 weeks. At 8 weeks postpartum I had lost another 5lbs and had the Implanon placed in my arm (I weighed 170 at this point and I am 5'5"). From that moment on I did not lose any weight. At first I thought it was because I was eating too much so I dropped my calories to 2000 in December. Since I breastfeed I need to eat 500 extra calories so 2000 is comparable to 1500 for a breastfeeding mom. After 2 months I saw 0 results. Frustrated I dropped soda out of my diet. I was drinking 3 cans of regular soda a day and switched it to water. No results. In March I dropped my calories to 1800 thinking maybe my metabolism had died out. No results. In May I started eating my maintain intake of 2400 calories a day and I didn't gain a pound, I maintained at 170. In June I was beyond pissed so I started adding 1-3 miles of walking to my daily exercise and dropped my calories back down to 1800.

Since adding the walking and dropping the calories I have noticed my hips and butt have lost inches. However, my stomach has gained inches. I have never in my life had a fat stomach. I could weigh 190lbs and my waist would still be 12 inches smaller than my hips. Not any more. All the fat is situated in my stomach and my boobs have deflated something awful. I know it's the progesterone. My hair is super greasy, I am covered in this awful acne, and I am filled with water weight. I can't wait to get this implant out and start losing weight and looking good again! I have faith. I will get below 170lbs. I will make my goal of 155lbs! I know it!