Trying to get back on track

nb23613 Posts: 36 Member
Hi there,

I've been on myfitnesspal before but, unfortunately, stopped for awhile. Now I am trying to get back on track and looking for support!

Good luck to everyone and thank you in advanced for all your help!



  • oliversnh
    oliversnh Posts: 15 Member
    Me too, but it's so hard. I want to be healthier and I want to look and feel good, but I just can't seem to motivate myself to exercise and I have a really hard time saying no to sugar. We can do this though right.......just gonna need a ton of support!!!!
  • patchezzz3
    I also have need of support to keep going. I have been doing zumba and koga which is kickboxing and yoga mix. It is super fun.

    I have been tracking what I eat for awhile now. It always tells me Im not eating enough!! I feel I eat too much. But I still have gained 10 pounds and I dont understand it!! I am sooo darn depressed. :'( Can someone tell me how to get more motivated and what I can do to start losing again!! I need to get rid of 80 pounds. :(
  • mizzbugsy
    mizzbugsy Posts: 40 Member
    Trying my hand at this also. Just started a workout program, figured I'd see where all this fat is coming from by tracking my intake. Good luck to ya's.